Update to use HOSR
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ module.exports = async (config) => {
"/astral/adventuring.html#outposts": ["outpost", "outposts"],
"/astral/adventuring.html#fragments": ["island", "islands"],
{ build, isRebuild, logFunction: log = () => {}, site } = config || {},
{ outputPath, journalsPerPage = 5, srcPath } = build,
md = require("markdown-it")({
html: true,
linkify: true,
@ -39,9 +41,15 @@ module.exports = async (config) => {
path.join(srcPath, "assets", "fragments")
.use(require("markdown-it-auto-crosslinker"), {
.use(require("markdown-it-implicit-figures"), {
dataType: true,
figcaption: true,
@ -49,9 +57,6 @@ module.exports = async (config) => {
lazyLoading: true,
link: true,
{ build, isRebuild, logFunction: log = () => {} } = config || {},
{ outputPath, journalsPerPage = 5, srcPath } = build,
{ site } = config,
copyAssets = async (directory) => {
const assets = await fs.readdir(directory);
@ -326,6 +331,7 @@ module.exports = async (config) => {
for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
const firstEntryIndex = journalsPerPage * (i - 1),
lastEntryIndex = journalsPerPage * i;
console.log("config", config);
// TODO: rethink the data passed in here - you're paging solution works (kinda), take it over the finish line!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
title: Astral Adventuring
description: Notes and rules for adventuring in the astral plane.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T15:10:00-05:00
section: astral
content_type: feature
short_code: aa1
### Sequence of Play Per Day
1. Decide course: The players decide on their course of travel for the day.
2. Losing direction: The referee determines whether the party gets lost.
3. Wandering creatures: The referee makes checks as applicable.
4. Description: The referee describes the regions passed through and any sites of interest that the party comes across, asking players for their actions, as required. If creatures are encountered, follow the procedure described in Encounters.
5. End of day: The referee updates time records, with special attention spell durations.
### Astral Currents
Invisible flows of psychic energy that permeate and swirl around the astral plane.
**Creatures** - Can move up to 10x faster when moving with the current.
**AstralJammers** - Ships designed to ride on these currents.
### Calendar
As of last session, it is the **end of the 3rd phase of the 1st Aerday of Urtson-Nu, in year 5023 of the Common Astral Calendar**.
- Each day on the astral plane is broken up into 3 phases of 24 hours (to keep the astral calendars in sync with the material planes).
- There are 6 days in a week, 5 weeks in a month, 3 months in a season, and 4 season in a year.
- Each day is named after one of the elements:
- Urtday (Earth)
- Aerday (Air)
- Fyday (Fire)
- Warday (water)
- Kayday (Chaos)
- Lawday (Law)
- Each month is named after an alignment (Law / Kay / Nu)
- Each season is named after a natural element:
- Urtson (Earth)
- Aerson (Air)
- Fyson (Fire)
- Warson (Water)
### Distance and Measurement
**Ranges**: Are measured in yards, instead of feet, which means they are tripled.
**Movement rates**: Are still measured in feet.
**Areas**: Of spell effects, breath weapons, etc. are also still measured in feet.
### Evasion and Pursuit
#### Evasion
The chance of evasion is determined by the difference between the two sides’ movement rates, listed in the table below.
**Success**: If the evasion roll succeeds, the pursuers cannot attempt to catch up with the fleeing side until the next day, and then only if a random encounter roll indicates an encounter.
**Failure**: If the evasion roll fails, a pursuit occurs.
#### Pursuit
**Time**: Is measured in rounds.
**Initial distance**: The two sides begin a pursuit at normal encounter distance.
**Closing in**: The distance between the two sides decreases by the difference between their two movement rates each round (a minimum of 30’ per round).
#### Astralborne Evasion
**By ship** - Use the same table, but replace feet with yards in the measurements speed.
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| Fleeing Side’s Movement Rate | Chance of Evasion |
| -------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| Faster than pursuer | 80% |
| 0’–30’ per round slower than pursuer | 50% |
| 31’–60’ per round slower than pursuer | 40% |
| 61’–90’ per round slower than pursuer | 35% |
| 91’–120’ per round slower than pursuer | 25% |
| 121’+ per round slower than pursuer | 10% |
[Astralborne Evasion Chance]
### Fragments
Pieces of other planes (usually floating) in the astral plane. The shape is typically determined by the plane of origin:
- **Fire** - Fragments from the elemental plane of fire are usually globes of elemental fire (used in Dwarven fire engines and some Drahki weapons).
- **Water** - Fragments from the elemental plane of water are usually globes of water.
- **Earth** - Fragments from the elemental plane of earth are usually irregularly-shaped chunks of rock and dirt.
- Large fragments of earth are called **islands**, and often used to support a stronghold or outpost in the astral void.
- **Air** - Fragments from the elemental plane of air are usually globes of air (used to supply some ships traveling to airless planes)
- **Chaos** - Fragments from the elemental plane of chaos are usually jet black globes, and tend to function as spheres of annihilation.
- **Law** - Fragments from the elemental plane of law are usually globes of crackling, radiant energy.
- It's believed that these arise spontaneously when a fragment from the plane of chaos appears, and are equal in size to the chaos ones.
- When a fragment of law and chaos are combined, the resulting release of energy can be seen for thousands of miles around.
### Gravity
**Subjective gravity**: Capable creatures (INT 5 or greater) can change "down" with a thought (CHA check if under duress).
**Falling / Flying**: Speed is INT x 30' / round (INT x 10' / encounter), specific maneuvers require a CHA check.
**Free floating**: Objects float in space unless able to move on their own (as above) or acted upon by an external force.
**Unintelligent creatures**: Fall "down" at 100' / round.
### Losing Direction
**With a navigator aboard**: The chance of getting lost is 1-in-6.
**Without a navigator aboard**: The chance of getting lost is 100% in the open astral void and 2-in-6 within sight of an astral body.
**Effects**: See [Losing Direction](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Hazards_and_Challenges).
### Outposts
A stronghold, shop, or town in the astral plane, usually established on a large island.
**Docks**: Those interested in trade will have one (or more) docks for passing ships.
**Ports**: Outposts with permanent portals to other planes.
### Psychic Clouds
Thin streams of psychic "vapor", hundreds to thousands of miles across, which appear as clouds when viewed from distance.
**Psychic Storms** - Enormous storms of psychic energy which can disable a ship as well as its crew. Often found crawling with astral zombies. Best to avoid.
### Portals
**Use**: Step through to arrive on the destination plane.
**Destination**: Can lead to any other plane (Inner, Outer, or Material).
**Color**: Each different destination has its own color, and a portal leading to a character's home plane will always look silver to them.
**Directionality**: Most portals (99%) are one-way, and only visible (when open) from the entry side, but become two-way for 1d4 rounds after a character steps through.
**Duration**: Most portals (99%) are temporary, lasting 1d20 hours.
**Interactivity**: Can be opened, closed, or made translucent (allowing characters to see the other end for one turn) with a successful CHA check within 60' of the portal.
**Pools**: Temporary portals which lead from the astral to other planes.
**Ports**: Permanent portals to other planes, often established on a island and attached to an outpost.
### Surprise
Wandering astral creatures are not usually surprised by traveling vessels. Special circumstances (e.g. thick astral clouds, psychic storm) may alter this.
### Temperature
The ambient temperature in the astral plane tends towards the tepid side for most humans and demihumanas, being roughly equivalent to a war spring day in a temperate climate.
### Time
**Quickened**: 3 rounds pass in the astral plane for each round that passes in a Material Plane.
- Spells cast in the Astral plane appear to last 3 times as long as listed
**Effects Stopped**: The effects of time don't happen while on the astral plane. This means that characters in the Astral Plane:
- do not age,
- do not need to breathe,
- do not need to eat or drink (which also means that they can't expend a ration to heal), and
- do not need to sleep (which also means that they can't heal from sleep), although they do still need to rest for 8 hours each day
### Travel
**By Ship** - Travel between most ports under the control of the Astral Trade Union takes 1d6+2 days.
**Without a Ship** - The vast distances between landmarks means one could fall for weeks, months, or even years before coming across any other creatures.
**Docking**: It takes 1 turn for a ship to dock, and 1 turn for it to disembark.
### Visibility
**Astral Bodies**: An astral body (such as a fragment, island, or even a dead god) may be spotted at a distance of hundreds of miles (based on its size).
**Ships**: May be sighted at great distances by the contrails they leave behind in the psychic clouds that permeate the plane. Identification is usually limited to tactical range (approxmiately 1 mile) in the open astral plane, or as little as 100 yards in a psychic storm.
- maybe differentiate between tactical and travel speed?
- travel speed = within 12 hours, can see the contrails (of other ships moving at travel speed)
- sighting ships by travel time
- what is the range of slowdown?
### Wandering Monsters
**Frequency**: A check is typically rolled once every other day, but the referee may choose to make more checks (e.g. when near a port or outpost): up to 1 or 2 a day.
**Chance**: The chance of encountering a wandering creature is 1-in-6 in the deep astral, 2-in-6 near other ports or outposts.
**Distance**: Wandering creatures are encountered 4d6 × 10 yards away. If either side is surprised (see Encounters), this is reduced to 1d4 × 10 yards.
**Location**: Astral encounters may occur either in the open astral plane or on land (such as a fragment, island, or dock), if the party lands or docks at some point during the day.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
title: Astral Factions
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: astral
content_type: feature
short_code: af1
### Major Factions
#### Astral Trade Union
- Conglomerate of harbormasters, ship captains, and mining companies who control nearly all of the trade between certain ports.
- Control all of the trading between nearly 100 ports, including ones leading to dozens of material planes, multiple to each elemental plane, and even a handful to various transcendental planes.
- This area is called the **Astral Trade Zone (ATZ)**
- Have excellent maps of all of the astral currents that run between affiliated ports.
#### Drahki Federation
- Controlled by a race of dracokin from the world of Drahkenos, the eternal plane of dragons.
- Fly great ships made to look like their bigger cousins (called "dragonships")
- Generally peaceful traders
#### Zhyffan Armada
- Enormous fleet of warships run by a militaristic race of musket-wielding elekin from the material plane of Zhyffu.
- Report to the Zhyffan Sovereignty, the plane-wide government of Zhyffu.
- Strongly believe in the supremacy of law and civilization.
- Ships range from light cargo carriers to massive warships, but everything in the armada is armed.
#### Stral Empire
- Empire of ports ruled by a highly militaristic and decadent race of immortals, with sharp eyes, pointed ears, and no noses.
- Huge warships patrol the borders of the empire, which run near some Astral Trade Union-aligned ports.
- Also control the Forge, a massive smithing factory on the Plane of Fire.
- Served by a race of automatons called Forgelings, some of whom have escaped their masters and fled to ports aligned with one of the other factions.
### Minor Factions
#### Society of Wanderers
- Disparate, quasi-religious organization, with membership scattered about the planes.
- Refer to each other as "friends".
- Are obligated to help each other out (but can also count on other "friends" to help them when needed).
- Typically travel alone or in small groups.
- Don't usually have their own ships, so they often have to book passage (or stowe-away).
### Pirates of Ataxia
- Led by (at least) 6 Pirate Lords (although some believe there are more).
- Responsible for nearly all of the piracy within this part of the astral plane.
- Come from all races and cultures.
### Relations
#### Astral Trade Union
- Are on good (trading) terms with both the _Drahki Federation_ and the _Zhyffan Armada_ (with some members of each also holding Union membership).
- Think most of the _Society of Wanderers_ are hopeless layabouts, inadequately interested in commerce (although few ship captains will refuse their payment for passage).
- Are on tenuous terms with the _Stral Empire_ (they've had some trade, but also some border skirmishes).
- Actively seek the destruction of the _Pirates of Ataxia_ (even though some Union members occasionally double as pirates).
#### Drahki Federation
- Are on good (trading) terms with _Astral Trade Union_ (with some Drahki captains also being Union members).
- Are on decent (trading) terms with the _Zhyffan Armada_ (there have been a few isolated incidents of fighting between the groups, but they generally continue to trade).
- Don't understand the _Society of Wanderers_, but generally allow them to book passage on their ships.
- Are on deteriorating terms with the _Stral Empire_ (they've had an increasing number of border skirmishes).
- Try to avoid engaging with ships from the _Pirates of Ataxia_, who generally return the favor (although there are some Drahki pirates who try to only attack ships from the other factions).
#### Zhyffan Armada
- Are on good (trading) terms with _Astral Trade Union_ (with some Zhyffan captains also being Union members).
- Are on decent (trading) terms with the _Drahki Federation_ (there have been a few isolated incidents of fighting between the groups, but they generally continue to trade).
- Don't understand (or like) the _Society of Wanderers_, and don't allow them on their ships.
- Are on deteriorating terms with the _Stral Empire_ (they've had an increasing number of border skirmishes).
- Actively seek the destruction of the _Pirates of Ataxia_ (although some Zhyffan ships have been known to turn pirate, abandoning the Armada and working for the Pirate Lords).
#### Society of Wanderers
- Don't care for the leadership of the _Astral Trade Union_, but try to stay friendly with the ship captains.
- Don't understand most of the _Drahki Federation_, but are generally happy to book passage on their ships.
- Don't get along with the _Zhyffan Armada_, and generally avoid them.
- Don't understand (or like) the _Stral Empire_, although a few Travellers have tried to engage with Stral crews (which hasn't ended well)
- Have many members who also work as _Pirates of Ataxia_, and don't generally preclude pirates from their ranks (although the pirate captains aren't always thrilled to have Wanderers on their ships).
#### Stral Empire
- Are on tenuous terms with the _Astral Trade Union_ (they've had some trade, but also some border skirmishes).
- Are on deteriorating terms with both the _Drahki Federation_ and the _Zhyffan Armada_ (they've had an increasing number of border skirmishes with each of them).
- Don't understand (or like) the _Society of Wanderers_, and don't allow them on their ships.
- Try to avoid engaging with ships from the _Pirates of Ataxia_, who generally return the favor (although they have had engagements in Stral territory).
#### Pirates of Ataxia
- Actively attack (and raid) the ships of the _Astral Trade Union_ and the _Zhyffan Armada_, occasionally even looting their ports.
- Try to avoid engaging with ships working for the _Drahki Federation_, who generally return the favor (although there are some Drahki pirates who try to only attack ships from the other factions).
- Have many members who also identify as members of the _Society of Wanderers_, usually pirates of lower ranks (the ship captains aren't fond of having members in their crew because of the high number of stowe-aways).
- Try to avoid engaging with ships of the _Stral Empire_, who generally return the favor (although they have had a few engagements in within Stral territory).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: The Astral Plane
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: astral
content_type: feature
short_code: a1
- Vast, impossibly large, possibly infinite in scale
- Looks like a boundless, open sky, the color of dark purple
- Filled with clouds of swirling, brightly-colored psychic vapor
- Distant arcs of light (and dark) cascade across the sky
- Everything appears to have a vague, silvery sheen to it
- Gives off a perpetual twilight
- Known as "the swirling void", or "boundless infinities"
- Air feels thicker than on most material planes, and has a vague scent of chocolate
- Subjective gravity (for intelligent creatures)
### More Info
- [Adventuring](./adventuring.html)
- [Bestiary](/besitary/index.html)
- [Factions](./factions.html)
- [Timeline](./timeline.html)
- [Vessels](./vessels.html)
- [Zenpus Cove](./zenopus-cove.html)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: Astral Timeline
description: A timeline of trade and war in the astral plane.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:47:00-05:00
section: astral
content_type: feature
short_code: at1
As of last session, it is the **end of the 3rd phase of the 1st Aerday of Urtson-Nu, in year 5023 of the Common Astral Calendar**.
Below is a timeline of major events in (this section of) the astral plane:
- **CAC** - The Common Astral Calendar
- **BAC** - Before the (Common) Astral Calendar
<div class="dividedTableWrapper timelineTableWrapper">
| Date | Event |
| :-------------------------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **???** | The gods arrive in and/or create the astral plane. |
| **circa 11,000 BAC**<br />_(ca. 16,000+ years ago)_ | The Stral arrive in the astral plane, establish the Eternal Dynasty. |
| **circa 5,000 BAC**<br />_(ca. 10,000 years ago)_ | The Damned Incursion occurs, ending with the fallen angel Shai'kel taking over [Infernus](/planes/infernus.html). |
| **circa 3,000 BAC**<br />_(ca. 8,000 years ago)_ | The Arcane Lords of Axion establish the first Mage Guilds. |
| **circa 2,000 BAC**<br />_(ca. 7,000 years ago)_ | The Eye Tyrants arrive in the astral plane, establish the Empire of Eyes. |
| **0 CAC**<br />_(5023 years ago)_ | The ATU is founded by a group of astral traders, the Purple Masters of Prasha.<br />The Arcane Lords of Axion and the Purple Masters establish the Common Astral Calendar, using this year to mark year 0. |
| **118 CAC**<br />_(4905 years ago)_ | The Axion Academy of Magicks is founded. |
| **circa 2,000 CAC**<br />_(ca. 3,000 years ago)_ | The Dwarves arrive in the astral plane, establish a number of independent strongholds. |
| **2287 CAC**<br />_(2736 years ago)_ | The Eye Tyrants are defeated at the battle of Jade Fields by the combined efforts of the stral and the dwarves.<br />Several other catastrophes befall the tyrants, leading to the great Civil War, which nearly wipes out the race. |
| **2289 CAC**<br />_(2734 years ago)_ | The Arcane Lords vanish. |
| **circa 3,000 CAC**<br />_(ca. 2,000 years ago)_ | The Drahki arrive in the astral plane, establish the Drahki Federation. |
| **3961 CAC**<br />_(1062 years ago)_ | The Stral slay the Dwarf king Thurborg Goldhelm and claim ownership of the Forge. |
| **4759 CAC**<br />_(264 years ago)_ | The Ghyffan Expeditionary Force arrives in the astral plane. |
<!-- Dates to add later: -->
<!-- | **4644 CAC**<br />_(379 years ago)_ | Zenopus arrives to the astral plane from Ayreon. | -->
<!-- | **4925 CAC**<br />_(98 years ago)_ | Zenopus establishes Sapphire Cove. | -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
title: Astral Vessels
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: astral
content_type: feature
short_code: av1
### Astral Consoles
- Allow the ship to ride along the naturally occurring astral currents.
- Often shaped like a high-backed chair.
- Controlled by a **Pilot**.
- It takes one round to activate a console, and one round to deactivate a console.
- While active:
- The pilot can sense the astral currents that surround the ship.
- The pilot may move the ship in any direction at individual flight / "falling" speed (INT \* 30')
- can see currents and (subtly) move ship between them (although you can't turn the ship without using the sails)
- viewpoint is the front of the ship (as if standing on the bow), but can be turned 90 degrees left or right (so behind can be seen, but not well)
- The only movement capable via a standard astral console is forward (at
- It can take up to 1 turn to find a suitable current to ride at "traveling speed"
- Once a console has been installed on a vessel, it cannot be forcibly removed (without using the "release" word) until the integrity of the vessel itself has been compromised.
- The pilot can be any character class.
- Piloting a ship via a console requires concentration, and shouldn't be done for more than 8 hours in a row.
- Piloting beyond 8 hours runs the risk of incurring exhaustion.
- The pilot is not incapacitated while piloting the ship - instead, they can choose whether to focus on the ship's POV or their own, while still being peripherally aware of both.
- They have limited ability to move, -4 to all attacks, and can't cast spells, use psionics, or do anything else that would break their concentration.
- If the pilot is pulled or thrown from the console, their connection to the ship is immediately broken, and the ship instantly stops moving.
#### Multiple Consoles
- A ship can have multiple consoles attached to it, but only one may be active at a time.
- If two (or one and a different type of engine) are both active at the same time on the same vessel, perform a check as follows:
- For two consoles (or similar devices), make a contested CHA check between the two pilots, with the loser being locked-out of controlling the ship.
- For one console and an inert device (like a Fire Engine), the pilot should make a CHA check to override the device and take control of the vessel.
##### Usage with a Planar Compass
+ Using an astral console while wearing a planar compass provides the pilot with an enhanced ability to see the ship, its surrounding area, and even distant targets.
+ The compass can be focused on any ship or location within one day's travel of the wearer at their current speed.
#### Other Types of Engines
- **Fire Engines** - A large thruster, built (and usually controlled) by Dwarves, and powered by elemental fire. Rumored to be capable of propelling even the largest vessels at traveling speeds.
- **Life Engines** - Some evil-aligned races use the life energy from slaves and captives to power their vessels.
- **Mind Engines** - Some psychic races use their psychic energy to power and control their vessels.
- **Orbipods (Tyrant Ships)** - Eye Tyrant ships are powered by one or more orbi (singular orbus), a mutant eye tyrant bred solely for this purpose.
#### Engine Speed
- **Console** = Pilot's INT x 30 yards / round
- **Orbipod** = 300 yards / round for a single one, each additional adds a 20% (60 yards / round) boost
- 2 orbipods = 360 yards / round
- 3 orbipods = 420 yards / round
### Roles
Party members can fulfill various roles aboard astral vessels.
- **Pilot** - the character who flies the ship, typically via an astral console.
- **Gunner** - a character who mans a ship-board weapon (ex: a ballista).
- **Boatswain** - a character who helps maintain (and potentially improve) the various components of the ship.
- **First Mate** - the charcter who leads the rest of the crew in their duties.
- **Navigator** - a character with experience reading astral maps and plotting courses by them.
- **Surgeon** - a character who heals the wounded members of the crew, be it through magic or medicine (or both).
#### Bonuses for Roles
During each round of pursuit or combat, PCs occupying these roles may attempt to improve the ship's tactical movement as follows:
- In lieu of an attack, each of the following roles may make the indicated check:
- **Pilot**: May make their choice of an INT or WIS check.
- **First Mate**: May make a CHA check.
- **Boatswain**: May make their choice of an INT or DEX check.
- **Bonus effects**: Choose one of the following for each successful check:
- +1 level (30' / round) to pursuit / evasion speed.
- +1 AC to the ship _AND_ all creatures on board until the end of the round.
- +1 to all attack rolls made by the ship _AND_ all creatures on board until end of the round.
- **Performing bonus checks**: _Must_ be declared before initiative is rolled, occurs at the start of the party's side of combat (just before the "fire missiles" combat phase while the party's side has initiative).
### Ship Statistics
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| Vessel | Cost (gp) | Cargo Capacity (coins) | Length | Beam | Crew | Weapons | Ram | Landing Types | AC | HP |
| --------------------- | :-------: | :--------------------: | :-------: | :-------: | :--: | :------: | :-: | :-------------: | :---------: | :-----: |
| Caravel | 10,000 | 100,000 | 60'-80' | 20'-30' | 10 | 1 | N | Water | 8 [11] | 60-90 |
| Galleon | 20,000 | 300,000 | 100'-150' | 25'-30' | 20 | 3 | N | Water | 7 [12] | 120-180 |
| Warship, Sm | 6,600 | 100,000 | 60'-80' | 20'-30' | 10 | 1/2 | Y | Water | 8 [11] | 60-90 |
| Warship, Lg | 26,600 | 300,000 | 100'-150' | 25'-30' | 20 | 2/4 | Y | Water | 7 [12] | 150-210 |
| Ghyffan Corvette | 15,000 | 250,000 | 100'-150' | 25'-35' | 10 | 1/2 | N | Water | 7 [12] | 90-150 |
| Ghyffan Battlecruiser | 45,000 | 450,000 | 220'-280' | 20'-30' | 24 | 3/4 | Y | None | 7 [12] | 180-240 |
| Stral Destroyer | 40,000 | 350,000 | 150'-200' | 25'-35' | 10 | 5 lg | Y | None | 7 [12] | 150-210 |
| Stral Dreadnought | 50,000 | 600,000 | 220'-280' | 20'-30' | 24 | 3 lg | Y | None | 7 [12] | 180-240 |
| Dwarven Fortress | 100,000 | 3,000,000 | 200'-300' | 150'-250' | 10 | 10 lg | Y | Land | 7 [12] | 360-720 |
| Gnomish SteamJammer | 40,000 | 300,000 | 100'-150' | 20'-30' | 20 | 1 lg | N | Land, Water[^1] | 7 [12] | 90-120 |
| Drahki Dragonship, Sm | 60,000 | 150,000 | 80'-120' | 10'-15' | 10 | 1 lg[^2] | Y | Water | 7 [12] | 120-180 |
| Drahki Dragonship, Lg | 60,000 | 450,000 | 150'-200' | 15'-20' | 20 | 3 lg[^2] | Y | Water | 7 [12] | 180-240 |
[Ship Statistics]
[^1]: Base 50% chance of success on each landing
[^2]: Drahki ships always carry a Fire Cannon as one of their weapons
### Weapons
#### Ballistae
Fire large bolts (arrows) of wood and iron.
**Cargo Space**: A medium ballista plus twenty bolts requires 6,000 coins of cargo space, and a heavy ballista plus twenty bolts occupies 12,000 coins worth (both subtracted from the ship’s cargo allowance).
**Attack modifiers**: May be applied for environmental conditions, manoeuvrability, etc.
##### Medium Ballista
**Range**: 1,500 yards.
**Attack rolls and rate of fire**: Depend on the number of crew manning the ballista:
- 2 crew (minimum): Attacks with THAC0 15 [+4]. Fires every 3 rounds.
- 3 crew (maximum): Attacks with THAC0 14 [+5]. Fires every 2 rounds.
**Damage**: 3d6 hit points or 3d2 hull points.
##### Heavy Ballista
**Range**: 1,000 yards.
**Attack rolls and rate of fire**: Depend on the number of crew manning the ballista:
- 4 crew (minimum): Attacks with THAC0 15 [+4]. Fires every 4 rounds.
- 5 crew (maximum): Attacks with THAC0 14 [+5]. Fires every 3 rounds.
**Damage**: 3d10 hit points or 3d6 hull points.
#### Bombards (Cannons)
Fire magically-propelled large balls of iron.
**Cargo Space**: A bombard plus twenty cannonballs requires 10,000 coins of cargo space (subtracted from the ship’s cargo allowance).
**Range**: 1,000 yards.
**Attack modifiers**: May be applied for environmental conditions, manoeuvrability, etc.
**Attack rolls and rate of fire**: Depend on the number of crew manning the bombards:
- 3 crew (minimum): Attacks with THAC0 17 [+2]. Fires every 3 rounds.
- 4 crew (maximum): Attacks with THAC0 16 [+3]. Fires every 2 rounds.
**Damage**: 2d10 hit points or hull points.
#### Drahki Fire Cannons
Fire dragon's flame. Can be tuned to fire in a cloud, cone, or line. Requires a specialist gunner (one trained in the weapon's use) to use.
**Cargo Space**: A fire cannon plus twenty globes of elemental fire requires 10,000 coins of cargo space (subtracted from the ship’s cargo allowance).
**Range**: Depends on settings
- Cloud: 500 yards cubed.
- Cone: 2 yards diameter at start, widens to 500 yard wide at 1000 yards distance.
- Line: 2 yards in diameter, extends 1,500 yards.
**Attack rolls and rate of fire**: Depend on the number of crew manning the cannons:
- 2 crew (minimum): Attacks with THAC0 15 [+4]. Fires every 2 rounds.
- 3 crew (maximum): Attacks with THAC0 14 [+5]. Fires each round.
**Damage**: 1d6+5 x 10 hit points or 1d6+5 x 5 hull points
#### Eye Tyrant Blasters
Fire energy bolts that function like magic missiles. Requires 2 common Eye Tyrants to crew.
**Cargo Space**: TBD
**Range**: 1,500 yards.
**Attack rolls and rate of fire**: Attacks with THAC0 15 [+4]. Fires three bolts every round, roll for each bolt.
**Damage**: 1d6+1 hit points or hull points per bolt. Bolts that hit a ship only have a 2-in-6 chance of failing to do damage (scorching the surface).
#### Rams
Can be used against ships or giant creatures. Small individuals cannot be targeted.
**Attack rolls**: Are made using a THAC0 of 19 [0] and occur at the same point in the combat sequence as missile fire.
**Attack modifiers**: May be applied for environmental conditions, manoeuvrability, etc.
**Large ships**: Deals 1d6+5 x 10 hull points damage against ships and 6d6 hit points damage against creatures.
**Small ships**: Deals 1d4+4 x 10 hull points damage against ships and 3d8 hit points damage against creatures.
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
## Zenopus Cove
Connects to: The Silver Shark, Portown, Ayreon
- Locals call it "Sapphire Cove", due to the portal's proximity to the Sapphire Sea on their homeworld.
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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
title: The Astral Corsair
description: The Astral Corsair class for Old School Essentials.
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:15:00-05:00
section: classes
content_type: feature
short_code: cac1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ------------------- | ------------------- |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | DEX |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d4 |
| **Maximum Level** | 14 |
| **Armour** | Leather, no shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
Astral corsairs are adventurers who live by their skills, sailing around the astral void. They have a range of specialised astral-sailing and adventuring skills unavailable to other characters. However, corsairs are not always to be trusted.
### Boarding
Corsairs who are in the act of boarding another vessel don't suffer the usual boarding penalty to attack rolls and Armour Class.
### Combat
Because of their need for free movement in the open astral void, corsairs cannot wear armour heavier than leather and cannot use shields. They can use any weapon.
### Astral Corsair Skills
Corsairs can use the following skills, with the chance of success shown below:
- **Climb sheer surfaces (CS)**: A roll is required for each 100’ to be climbed. If the roll fails, the corsair falls at the halfway point, suffering falling damage.
- **Move silently (MS)**: An astral corsair may attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.
- **Astral-faring (AF)**: An astral corsair always knows which way is down, how to get by in the open astral void, and how to make repairs when their vessel takes on damage.
- **Tightrope walking (TW)**: Corsairs can walk along tightropes, narrow beams, and ledges at up to half their normal movement rate. A roll is required every 60’. Failure indicates that the corsair falls and suffers falling damage. Windy conditions may reduce the chance of success by up to 20%.
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| Level | CS | MS | SF | TW |
| :---: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 1 | 87 | 20 | 15 | 60 |
| 2 | 88 | 25 | 20 | 65 |
| 3 | 89 | 30 | 25 | 70 |
| 4 | 90 | 35 | 30 | 75 |
| 5 | 91 | 40 | 35 | 80 |
| 6 | 92 | 45 | 45 | 85 |
| 7 | 93 | 50 | 55 | 90 |
| 8 | 94 | 55 | 65 | 95 |
| 9 | 95 | 60 | 75 | 97 |
| 10 | 96 | 65 | 85 | 98 |
| 11 | 97 | 70 | 90 | 99 |
| 12 | 98 | 73 | 95 | 99 |
| 13 | 99 | 76 | 97 | 99 |
| 14 | 99 | 80 | 99 | 99 |
[Astral Corsair Skills Chance of Success]
### Rolling Skill Checks
All skills are rolled on d%, with a result of less than or equal to the listed percentage indicating success.
#### Player Knowledge
The referee should roll for hide in shadows and move silently on the player’s behalf, as the corsair does not immediately know if the attempt was successful. If a hide in shadows or move silently roll fails, the referee knows that the corsair has been noticed and should determine enemies’ actions appropriately.
### Lore
From 3rd level, a corsair has a 2-in-6 chance of knowing lore pertaining to creatures, magic items, or heroes of astral-plane-related folktale or legend. This ability may be used to identify the nature and powers of astral-related magic items.
### Sneak Attack
When attacking an unaware opponent from behind, a corsair receives a +4 bonus to hit and doubles any damage dealt.
### After Reaching 9th Level
A corsair can establish a crew, attracting 2d6 astral sailors of 1st level. These corsairs will serve the character with some reliability, and may be used to run one or more ships.
<div class="dividedTableWrapper levelTable">
| |||| Saving Throws |||||
| Level | XP | HD | THAC0 | D[^1] | W[^1] | P[^1] | B[^1] | S[^1] |
| :---: | :-----: | :--------: | :-----: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 1 | 0 | 1d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 2 | 1,200 | 2d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 3 | 2,400 | 3d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 4 | 4,800 | 4d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 5 | 9,600 | 5d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 6 | 20,000 | 6d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 7 | 40,000 | 7d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 8 | 80,000 | 8d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 9 | 160,000 | 9d4 | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 10 | 280,000 | 9d4+2[^2] | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 11 | 400,000 | 9d4+4[^2] | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 12 | 520,000 | 9d4+6[^2] | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 13 | 640,000 | 9d4+8[^2] | 12 [+7] | 8 | 9 | 7 | 10 | 8 |
| 14 | 760,000 | 9d4+10[^2] | 12 [+7] | 8 | 9 | 7 | 10 | 8 |
[Astral Corsair Level Progression]
[^1]: D: Death / poison; W: Wands; P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks; S: Spells / rods / staves.
[^2]: [Modifiers from CON](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Ability_Scores#Constitution_.28CON.29) no longer apply.
@ -7,15 +7,20 @@ content_type: feature
short_code: ca1
| Nonhuman Class | |
<div class="nonHumanClassTableWrapper">
| Nonhuman Class ||
| | |
| ------------------- | ---------------------- |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | CON |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d8 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Any, including shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | CON |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d8 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Any, including shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
Automatons are magically-powered, fully sentient beings composed of metal and wood. Although some are believed to have been built for a long forgotton war, most were built as arcane experiments by powerful wizards, or to serve as slaves in decadent, high-magic socities. Despite their origins, many are driven to find a purpose beyond their original design.
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
title: Bloodmage
description: The Bloodmage class for Old School Essentials.
date_pub: 2023-02-26T17:46:00-05:00
section: classes
content_type: feature
short_code: cw1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | INT |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d6 |
| **Maximum Level** | 14 |
| **Armour** | Leather, no shields |
| **Weapons** | One-handed melee weapons, all missile weapons |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
Bloodmages are arcane spellcasters that use their own life force, rather than their memories, to cast spells.
### Arcane Magic
See [Spells](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Spells) for full details on arcane magic.
**Magical research**: A bloodmage of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to add new spells to their spell book and to research other magical effects. When a bloodmage reaches 9th level, they are also able to create magic items.
**Spell books**: Bloodmages carry spell books containing the formulae for arcane spells. The number of spells in a bloodmage’s spell book is equal to the character’s experience level, and the spell casting chart (below) shows the maximum spell level a bloodmage can have in their spellbook Thus, a 1st level bloodmage has one spell in their spell book, selected by the referee (who may allow the player to choose). The list of spells available to bloodmages is found in [Magic-User Spells](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Magic-User_Spells).
**Spell casting**: Bloodmages cast spells by shedding blood, rather than by memorizing. To cast a spell, a bloodmage must sacrifice one of their own HP per level of the spell being cast.
**Using magic items**: As spell casters, bloodmages are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands).
### Combat
Bloodmages are capable warriors as well as spellcasters, but they need freedom of movement for spellcasting. For this reason, they can use any melee weapon that can be wielded one handed, and can use all missile weapons, but can only wear leather armour, and are unable use shields.
### Healing
Bloodmages can make animal sacrifices to heal. The victims should be intelligent or magical creatures (although mundane animals can be used at the referee's discretion). To heal, the bloodmage must slay the intended sacrifice with a dagger or other bladed weapon. A sacrifice will restore a number of HP equal to the victim's HD. Creatures that are particularly innocent, powerful, or dear to the caster will produce increasingly better results (details to be left to the referee).
Alternatively, the referee may roll 1d6 for each fallen enemy, with a roll of 1 indicating that they are still alive and thus eligible to be sacrificed by the bloodmage.
### After Reaching 11th Level
A bloodmage may establish a stronghold, often in a cave or similar structure. 1d6 apprentices of levels 1–3 will then arrive to study under the bloodmage.
### Bloodmage Level Progression
<div class="dividedTableWrapper levelTable">
| |||| Saving Throws ||||||
| Level | XP | HD | THAC0 | D[^1] | W[^1] | P[^1] | B[^1] | S[^1] | Max Spell Level |
| :---: | :-------: | :-------: | :-----: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :-: |
| 1 | 0 | 1d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 1 |
| 2 | 2,500 | 2d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 1 |
| 3 | 5,000 | 3d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 2 |
| 4 | 10,000 | 4d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 2 |
| 5 | 20,000 | 5d6 | 17 [+2] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 3 |
| 6 | 40,000 | 6d6 | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 3 |
| 7 | 80,000 | 7d6 | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 4 |
| 8 | 150,000 | 8d6 | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 4 |
| 9 | 300,000 | 9d6 | 14 [+5] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 5 |
| 10 | 450,000 | 9d6+1[^2] | 14 [+5] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 5 |
| 11 | 600,000 | 9d6+2[^2] | 14 [+5] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 6 |
| 12 | 750,000 | 9d6+3[^2] | 14 [+5] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 6 |
| 13 | 900,000 | 9d6+4[^2] | 12 [+7] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 6 |
| 14 | 1,050,000 | 9d6+5[^2] | 12 [+7] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 6 |
[Bloodmage Level Progression]
[^1]: D: Death / poison; W: Wands; P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks; S: Spells / rods / staves.
[^2]: [Modifiers from CON](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Ability_Scores#Constitution_.28CON.29) no longer apply.
### Available Races and Max Level
When using the optional Character races rule, any race that may be a magic-user may also be a Bloodmage, and may advance to the same maximum level listed for the magic-user class (unless otherwise noted).
Adapted from _[Alternate Magic](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/397412/Alternate-Magic-OSR)_ by [Eric Diaz](http://methodsetmadness.blogspot.com/)
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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
title: The Corsair
description: The Corsair class for Old School Essentials.
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:09:00-05:00
section: classes
content_type: feature
short_code: cc1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ------------------- | ------------------- |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | DEX |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d4 |
| **Maximum Level** | 14 |
| **Armour** | Leather, no shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
Corsairs are adventurers who live by their skills on the high seas. They have a range of specialised sailing and adventuring skills unavailable to other characters. However, corsairs are not always to be trusted.
### Boarding
Corsairs who are in the act of boarding another vessel don't suffer the usual boarding penalty to attack rolls and Armour Class.
### Combat
Because of their need for free movement on the open seas, corsairs cannot wear armour heavier than leather and cannot use shields. They can use any weapon.
### Corsair Skills
Corsairs can use the following skills, with the chance of success shown below:
- **Climb sheer surfaces (CS)**: A roll is required for each 100’ to be climbed. If the roll fails, the corsair falls at the halfway point, suffering falling damage.
- **Move silently (MS)**: A corsair may attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.
- **Seafaring (SF)**: A corsair can keep their feet during rough waters, survive on the open sea, and make repairs when their vessel takes on damage.
- **Tightrope walking (TW)**: Corsairs can walk along tightropes, narrow beams, and ledges at up to half their normal movement rate. A roll is required every 60’. Failure indicates that the corsair falls and suffers falling damage. Windy conditions may reduce the chance of success by up to 20%.
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| Level | CS | MS | SF | TW |
| :---: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 1 | 87 | 20 | 15 | 60 |
| 2 | 88 | 25 | 20 | 65 |
| 3 | 89 | 30 | 25 | 70 |
| 4 | 90 | 35 | 30 | 75 |
| 5 | 91 | 40 | 35 | 80 |
| 6 | 92 | 45 | 45 | 85 |
| 7 | 93 | 50 | 55 | 90 |
| 8 | 94 | 55 | 65 | 95 |
| 9 | 95 | 60 | 75 | 97 |
| 10 | 96 | 65 | 85 | 98 |
| 11 | 97 | 70 | 90 | 99 |
| 12 | 98 | 73 | 95 | 99 |
| 13 | 99 | 76 | 97 | 99 |
| 14 | 99 | 80 | 99 | 99 |
[Corsair Skills Chance of Success]
### Rolling Skill Checks
All skills are rolled on d%, with a result of less than or equal to the listed percentage indicating success.
#### Player Knowledge
The referee should roll for hide in shadows and move silently on the player’s behalf, as the corsair does not immediately know if the attempt was successful. If a hide in shadows or move silently roll fails, the referee knows that the corsair has been noticed and should determine enemies’ actions appropriately.
### Lore
From 3rd level, a corsair has a 2-in-6 chance of knowing lore pertaining to creatures, magic items, or heroes of sea-related folktale or legend. This ability may be used to identify the nature and powers of sea-related magic items.
### Sneak Attack
When attacking an unaware opponent from behind, a corsair receives a +4 bonus to hit and doubles any damage dealt.
### After Reaching 9th Level
A corsair can establish a crew, attracting 2d6 sailors of 1st level. These corsairs will serve the character with some reliability, and may be used to run one or more ships.
### Corsair Level Progression
<div class="dividedTableWrapper levelTable">
| |||| Saving Throws |||||
| Level | XP | HD | THAC0 | D[^1] | W[^1] | P[^1] | B[^1] | S[^1] |
| :---: | :-----: | :--------: | :-----: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 1 | 0 | 1d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 2 | 1,200 | 2d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 3 | 2,400 | 3d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 4 | 4,800 | 4d4 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 |
| 5 | 9,600 | 5d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 6 | 20,000 | 6d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 7 | 40,000 | 7d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 8 | 80,000 | 8d4 | 17 [+2] | 12 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 13 |
| 9 | 160,000 | 9d4 | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 10 | 280,000 | 9d4+2[^2] | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 11 | 400,000 | 9d4+4[^2] | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 12 | 520,000 | 9d4+6[^2] | 14 [+5] | 10 | 11 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
| 13 | 640,000 | 9d4+8[^2] | 12 [+7] | 8 | 9 | 7 | 10 | 8 |
| 14 | 760,000 | 9d4+10[^2] | 12 [+7] | 8 | 9 | 7 | 10 | 8 |
[Corsair Level Progression]
[^1]: D: Death / poison; W: Wands; P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks; S: Spells / rods / staves.
[^2]: [Modifiers from CON](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Ability_Scores#Constitution_.28CON.29) no longer apply.
@ -9,17 +9,24 @@ short_code: cd1
- Needs Intro
| Demihuman Class | |
| ------------------- | --------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CON 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | STR |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d8 |
| **Maximum Level** | 12 |
| **Armour** | Any, including shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Draconic |
<div class="nonHumanClassTableWrapper">
| Demihuman Class ||
| | |
| ------------------- | --------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CON 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | STR |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d8 |
| **Maximum Level** | 12 |
| **Armour** | Any, including shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Draconic |
Dracokin are a race of relatively tall (5.5') reptilian humanoids with large, powerful jaws, armor-like scales on their skin, and dragon-style breath weapons. A variety of different colors of dracokin can be found throughout the multiverse, with each color of scale indicating the dracokin's type of breath weapon.
The largest society of dracokin in the Astral Plane are the Drahki, from the eternal dragon plane, Drahkenos. Dracokin from various material planes can also be found scattered around the astral.
@ -9,15 +9,20 @@ short_code: cf1
- Needs intro
| Demihuman Class | |
<div class="nonHumanClassTableWrapper">
| Demihuman Class ||
| | |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | DEX |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d4 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Leather, no shields |
| **Weapons** | Missile weapons, dagger, sword, short sword, polearm, spear, staff |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Felinese |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | DEX |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d4 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Leather, no shields |
| **Weapons** | Missile weapons, dagger, sword, short sword, polearm, spear, staff |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Felinese |
@ -9,15 +9,20 @@ short_code: cf2
- **Needs Intro**
| Demihuman Class | |
<div class="nonHumanClassTableWrapper">
| Demihuman Class ||
| | |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| **Requirements** | Minimum WIS 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | STR and WIS |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d8 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Any appropriate to size, including shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Firspeak |
| **Requirements** | Minimum WIS 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | STR and WIS |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d8 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Any appropriate to size, including shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Firspeak |
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Custom Character Classes
description: Some unofficial characters classes for OSE.
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:15:00-05:00
section: classes
content_type: feature
short_code: c1
Below, you'll find some unofficial character classes for Old School Essentials. Most are only minimally tested (if at all), and some may need a bit of tweaking, but you can't beat the price!
- [Automaton](./automaton.html) - Mechanical beings powered by ancient, arcane magicks.
- [Corsair](./corsair.html) - A sailor living a life of adventure on the high seas.
- [Corsair, Astral](./astral-corsair.html) - A sailor living a life of adventure on the [astral plane](/astral)
- [Dracokin](./dracokin.html) - Lizardfolk with distant relations to dragons.
- [Felinar](./felinar.html) - A race of anthropomorphic, catlike beings.
- [Firfolk](./firfolk.html) - Magical, gray half-giants that live in harmony with nature.
- [Mimikin](./mimikin.html) - A race of demihumans able to shift their physical forms at will.
- [Tortokin](./tortokin.html) - Anthropomorphic, upright turtles.
- [Warlock](./warlock.html) - Spellcasters that gain access to magic by making pacts with powerful, otherworldly beings
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
## Additional Kineticist Mental Powers
_The Kineticist_ class by Gavin Norman (as presented in issue #1 of [Carcass Crawler](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/367602/Carcass-Crawler-Issue-One)) offers a unique take on the classic "monk" or "mystic" class. I particularly like the way their "mental powers" work - although the ones in the zine seem to be designed to replicate the abilities of the classic class (as is the OSE way), there's nothing to prevent one from adding new powers to increase the build possibilities for that class. In my mind, based on the powers learned, a Kineticist could be anything from a powerful psychic to a supernatural tournament fighter, or even a superhero.
### Enlargement
**Duration: Focus, up to 1 round per level**
**Range: The kineticist**
The kineticist’s body, clothing, and armour (but not other equipment) double in size for the duration.
**Focus**: This power requires the kineticist to concentrate for one round to activate. Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) during this focus round causes the power to end.
**Melee**: While enlarged, the kineticist’s melee attacks inflict double damage.
### ESP (WIP)
_Duration: Concentration, 1 round_
_Range: 90'_
By concentrating for 1 round, the kineticist can read the thoughts of an intelligent, living creature within range.
_Unwilling targets_: May _save vs spells_ to resist.
_Concentration_: Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) causes the power to end.
### Freeze
**Duration: Up to 1 round per level**
**Range: 30’**
The kineticist subjects a creature or object within sight to an icy cold, literally freezing them in place.
**Stun**: The target is unable to move or act unless they **save versus paralysis**. They may make a save each round that they are paralyzed, and once a save has been made, the effect ends.
### Gestalt (WIP)
_Duration: Concentration, 1 round_
_Range: Touch_
The kineticist can read the memories of a living creature that they are in physical contact with, and share their own memories with the creature in return.
_Unwilling targets_: May _save vs spells_ to resist.
_Concentration_: Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) causes the power to end.
### Healing Trance
**Duration: 1 turn**
**Range: The kineticist**
The kineticist can enter a meditative state for the duration, during which time they are completely unaware of their surroundings and can neither attack nor defend themselves.
**Healing**: The trance heals 1d6+1 hit points per use (2d6+2 hit points per use at 6th level or higher).
### Heat
**Duration: Focus, up to 1 round per level**
**Range: Sight**
The kineticist subjects a creature or object within sight to a scorching heat.
**Targetted creatures**: May **save versus spells** to prevent damages.
**Envrionmental Effect**: Paper or cloth ignite, liquids boil, and metals glow.
**Damage**: Applied to flesh or to metal in contact with a creature (e.g. armour), the heat inflicts 1d4 damage per round.
### Invisibility
**Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round per level**
**Range: The kineticist**
The kineticist disappears from the sight of one or more creatures (selected when the power is activated) for the duration.
**Effect**: Up to 1HD of creatures per level of the kineticist are affected.
**Combat**: Affected creatures may attack the kineticist with a –4 penalty.
**Concentration**: Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) causes the power to end.
### Kinetic Blast
**Duration: Instant**
**Range: 10’ per level**
A blast of kinetic energy surges from the kineticist’s hand at a single target in range.
**Hit**: The target must **save vs spells** to avoid being hit.
**If the save fails**: The target suffers 2d4 damage.
### Kinetic Pull
**Duration: Instant**
**Range: 10’ per level**
A wave of kinetic force surges from the kineticist’s hand at a single target in range, grabbing them, and pulling them towards the kineticist.
**Pull**: The target must save vs paralysis or be grabbed by the kinetic force.
**If the save fails**: The target suffers 1d6 damage and is pulled towards the kineticist, stopping at any space of the kineticist's choosing in between.
### Kinetic Transmission
**Duration: Instant**
**Range: 30'**
The kineticist instantly teleports to any location they can see within range.
### Life Drain
**Duration: Concentration, 1 round**
**Range: Touch**
The kineticist draws vital energy out of a living target that they are in physical contact with, absorbing the target's life force. This dark ability is usually forbidden for lawful kineticists.
**Damage**: The target must **save vs spells** or suffer 1d4 points of damage.
**Absorb**: The kineticist gains a number of hit points equal to the damage inflicted.
**Concentration**: Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) causes the power to end.
### Mind Shield
**Duration: Focus, 2 turns**
**Range: The kineticist**
The kineticist can shield their mind for a period of time up to the duration.
**Focus**: This power requires the kineticist to concentrate for one round to activate. Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) during this focus round causes the power to end.
**Protection**: The kineticist gets a +4 bonus to any saving throws to resist the effects of mental powers and mind-affecting spells and magic items.
### Psychic Blast
**Duration: Instant**
**Range: 10’ per level**
A blast of psychic energy surges from the kineticist at a single target in range.
**Hit**: The target must save vs spells to avoid being hit.
**If the save fails**: The target suffers 2d4 damage.
### Shrinking
**Duration: Focus, up to 2 turns**
**Range: The kineticist**
The kineticist and all equipment shrinks to 6” tall for the duration.
**Focus**: This power requires the kinetcist to concentrate for one round to activate. Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) during this focus round causes the power to end.
**Tiny Size**: While shrunk, the kineticist can slip through narrow spaces and, when remaining motionless, has a 90% chance of going unnoticed. A shrunk kineticist cannot harm creatures larger than 1’ tall.
### Telepathy
**Duration: Focus, 1 turn**
**Range: Sight**
The kineticist can establish bidirectional mental communication with one other willing, living, intelligent creature within range for the duration.
**Focus**: This power requires the kineticist to concentrate for one round to activate. Being distracted (e.g. attacked) or performing any other action (except moving) during this focus round causes the power to end.
**Language**: The creature need not share a language with the kineticist.
### Terrify
@ -7,15 +7,16 @@ content_type: feature
short_code: cm1
| Demihuman Class | |
| Demihuman Class ||
| | |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CHA 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | CHA and DEX |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d6 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Leather or chainmail, no shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, any 2 other languages |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CHA 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | CHA and DEX |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d6 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | Leather or chainmail, no shields |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, any 2 other languages |
Mimikin are a rarely-seen type of demihuman, able to shift their physical forms at will. Usually human-like in stature, their true forms usually have naturally pale, grey skin, unnervingly blank facial features, and silvery hair. However, because of their shapeshifting nature, they usuallly pass as humans or other similarly-sized demihumans, only returning to their true forms on death.
@ -7,15 +7,20 @@ content_type: feature
short_code: ct1
| Demihuman Class | |
<div class="nonHumanClassTableWrapper">
| Demihuman Class ||
| | |
| ------------------- | -------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum WIS 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | STR |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d6 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | None (natural armour only) |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Uquan |
| **Requirements** | Minimum WIS 9 |
| **Prime requisite** | STR |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d6 |
| **Maximum Level** | 10 |
| **Armour** | None (natural armour only) |
| **Weapons** | Any |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Uquan |
Tortokin are a race of relatively tall (5.5') reptilian-looking humanoids with leathery, earth-toned skin and large, dark, tortoise-like shells on their backs capable of holding their entire bodies. They rarely wear any clothing, preferring instead to use belts and harnesses to carry their belongings. As most tortokin feel as though they have their houses on their backs, they rarely feel homesick and tend to avoid laying roots in any single place, preferring instead to travel and wander. Although they typically aren't good swimmers, their natural buoyancy and ability to hold their breath for extended periods of time helps them traverse swamps and bodies of water with ease.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
title: Warlock
description: The Warlock class for Old School Essentials.
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: classes
content_type: feature
short_code: cw1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Prime requisite** | CHA |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d6 |
| **Maximum Level** | 14 |
| **Armour** | Leather or chainmail, no shields |
| **Weapons** | Any 1-handed weapons |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
Warlocks are spellcasters that gain access to magic by making pacts with powerful, otherworldly beings. Some make deals with demons or devils; others, with capricious archfey; and still others, with the ineffable Great Old Ones (or other similar cosmic horrors). It's a dangerous shortcut to power, with a price that very few are willing to pay.
**Alignment**: While warlocks with different patrons may have different alignments, they are never lawful.
### Combat
Warlocks can use all one-handed missile and melee weapons, and can use leather armour and chainmail. Because of their need for freedom of movement, they cannot use plate mail or shields.
### Eldritch Blast
Warlocks can use the power granted by their patron to fire a beam of magical energy. The target must make a **saving throw versus spells** or take 1d6 damage.
**Uses per Day**: A warlock may use their eldritch blast a number of times per day equal to 1/2 their level (rounded up).
#### Activating Eldritch Blast
A warlock must spend a round concentrating in order to activate their eldritch blast. While concentrating, the warlock may not move, attack, or perform any other actions.
**In combat**: Like spell casting, activating eldritch blast can be disrupted in combat. The player must declare the use of their eldritch blast before initiative is rolled, and the attack is resolved during their side's "Spell Casting" phase of combat.
### Patron Magic
See [Spells](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Spells) for full details on magic. Patron magic is similar to both arcane magic and divine magic.
**Memorizing spells**: Beginning at 2nd level, a warlock may memorize spells through the use of ritual invocations to their patrons. When memorizing spells, warlocks may choose any spells in their class’ spell list that they are of high enough level to cast.
**Reversing spells**: Some warlock spells may be reversed. A warlock can cast the reversed version of a spell by speaking the words and performing the gestures backwards when it is cast.
**Patron disfavour**: A warlock must be faithful to their patron. If the character ever falls from favour with their patron, penalties (determined by the referee) may be imposed. These may include penalties to eldritch blast (–1 or more), a reduction in spells, or being sent on a perilous quest. In order to regain favour, the warlock must perform some great deed for their patron (as determined by the referee), for example: collecting an artifact, constructing an altar, vanquishing a powerful enemy of the patron, etc.
**Magical research**: A warlock of 2nd level or higher may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to create new spells or other magical effects associated with their patron. On reaching 9th level, warlocks are also able to create magic items.
**Using magic items**: As spell casters, warlocks are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands).
#### Spell Casting
Beginning at 2nd level, a warlock may make a ritual invocation to receieve spells from their patron. The power and number of spells available to a warlock are determined by the character’s experience level. The list of spells available to warlocks is below. More information about each spell can be found in the [Magic User](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Magic-User_Spells) or [Cleric](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Cleric_Spells) spell list, as indicated (see [Magic](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Rules_of_Magic) in Old-School Essentials).
**Level 1**
- [Cause Fear (C/1)](<https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Remove_Fear_(Cause_Fear)>)
- [Charm Person (MU/1)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Charm_Person)
- [Darkness (MU/1)](<https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Light_(Darkness)_(MU)>)
- [Detect Magic (MU/1)](<https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Detect_Magic_(MU)>)
- [Read Languages (MU/1)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Read_Languages)
- [Read Magic (MU/1)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Read_Magic)
**Level 2**
- [ESP (MU/2)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/ESP)
- [Invisibility (MU/2)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Invisibility)
- [Levitate (MU/2)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Levitate)
- [Mirror Image (MU/2)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Mirror_Image)
- [Phantasmal Force (MU/2)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Phantasmal_Force)
- [Resist Fire (C/2)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Resist_Fire)
**Level 3**
- [Clairvoyance (MU/3)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Clairvoyance)
- [Fly (MU/3)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Fly)
- [Haste (MU/3)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Haste)
- [Infravision (MU/3)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Infravision)
- [Lightning Bolt (MU/3)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Lightning_Bolt)
- [Water Breathing (MU/3)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Water_Breathing)
**Level 4**
- [Charm Monster (MU/4)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Charm_Monster)
- [Confusion (MU/4)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Confusion)
- [Curse (MU/4)](<https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Remove_Curse_(Curse)_(MU)>)
- [Dimension Door (MU/4)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Dimension_Door)
- [Polymorph Self (MU/4)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Polymorph_Self)
- [Wizard Eye (MU/4)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Wizard_Eye)
**Level 5**
- [Contact Higher Plane (MU/5)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Contact_Higher_Plane)
- [Feeblemind (MU/5)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Feeblemind)
- [Magic Jar (MU/5)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Magic_Jar)
- [Raise Dead (Finger of Death) (C/5)](<https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Raise_Dead_(Finger_of_Death)>)
- [Telekinesis (MU/5)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Telekinesis)
- [Teleport (MU/5)](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Teleport)
### After Reaching 11th Level
A warlock may build a stronghold, often a great tower. 1d6 apprentices of levels 1–3 (who are also bound to the warlock's patron) will then arrive to study under the warlock.
### Warlock Level Progression
<div class="dividedTableWrapper levelTable">
| |||| Saving Throws ||||| Spells[^spells] |||||
| Level | XP | HD | THAC0 | D[^1] | W[^1] | P[^1] | B[^1] | S[^1] | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 1 | 0 | 1d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | - | - | - | - | - |
| 2 | 2,500 | 2d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 1 | - | - | - | - |
| 3 | 5,000 | 3d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 2 | - | - | - | - |
| 4 | 10,000 | 4d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 0 | 2 | - | - | - |
| 5 | 20,000 | 5d6 | 19 [0] | 13 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 0 | 2 | - | - | - |
| 6 | 40,000 | 6d6 | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 0 | 3 | - | - | - |
| 7 | 80,000 | 7d6 | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 3 | - | - |
| 8 | 150,000 | 8d6 | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 3 | - | - |
| 9 | 300,000 | 9d6 | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 4 | - | - |
| 10 | 450,000 | 9d6+1[^2] | 17 [+2] | 11 | 12 | 11 | 14 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | - |
| 11 | 600,000 | 9d6+2[^2] | 14 [+5] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | - |
| 12 | 750,000 | 9d6+3[^2] | 14 [+5] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | - |
| 13 | 900,000 | 9d6+4[^2] | 14 [+5] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | - |
| 14 | 1,050,000 | 9d6+5[^2] | 14 [+5] | 8 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
[Warlock Level Progression]
[^spells]: Chosen spells can be of the indicated level or lower.
[^1]: D: Death / poison; W: Wands; P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks; S: Spells / rods / staves.
[^2]: [Modifiers from CON](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Ability_Scores#Constitution_.28CON.29) no longer apply.
### Available Races and Max Level
When using the optional Character races rule, any race that may be a magic-user may also be a warlock, and may advance to the same maximum level listed for the magic-user class (unless otherwise noted).
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: Astral Compass
description: A magical device for navigating to a desired location on the astral plane.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T18:46:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: miac
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/astral-compass.jpg "An astral compass")
A 1.5" diameter, golden medallion, with an 8-pointed star embedded in a purple gem in its center, and with raised runes along its inner edge.
- **On the Astral Plane**: Can "see" astral currents, as well as sense the general direction to the shortest path to any location in multiverse (which appears as a faint, golden glow on the horizon).
- **While Piloting an Astral Console**: Can perceive a 360 degree "tactical" view of the ship, up to 300 yards out, as well as the "optimal" current to ride to reach their desired destination (which itself glows like a beacon).
- When within 4 hours of the desired location, the pilot can "reach out" with their mind and perceive a 360 degree "tactical" view of the location, up to 300 yards out.
- This view can also be used during combat to gather information about enemy vessels.
- **Limitations**: The compass only works with "where" queries (ex: Where is the Ravager? Where is the source of this effect? Where is the last resting place of some artifact?)
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: Chamber of Lightning Bolts
date_pub: 2023-03-13T01:22:00-04:00
date_upd: 2023-03-19T19:47:00-04:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mcolb
status: hidden
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/chamber-of-lightning-bolts.jpg "A chamber of lightning bolts")
A small cube (1" per side) of smooth, black stone which has been carved with runes before being hollowed out and having one face of the cube removed (so it looks like an open box). The inside of the cube is lined with mirrors. As long as there is at least one charge remaining, a tiny ball of blue-white lightning appears to float in the middle of the box, but it cannot be touched.
**Activation**: When the command word is spoken, a lightning bolt leaps from it, landing at a point up to 180' distant, and continuing in a 5'-wide path for up to 60'.
**Creatures caught in the lightning bolt**: Suffer 6d6 damage, with a successful save versus wands indicating half damage.
**Bouncing**: If the lightning bolt hits a solid barrier before its full length is reached, it is reflected and travels for any remaining distance of its full length in the direction of the wielder of the wand.
**Usage die**: Starts as a d10. After each use, roll the current die, and on a 1-2, the die drops one step (d10 -> d8 -> d6 -> d4 -> 1). After it drops to one, the next use finishes it off, and the cube becomes inert.
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
title: The Crystal Skull of Jund
description: A magical, elongated, and (apparently) nearly omniscient crystal skull.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:59:00-05:00
date_upd: 2023-03-19T19:45:00-04:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: micsj
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/crystal-skull-of-jund.jpg "The Crystal Skull of Jund")
An elongated crystal skull with 3 eye sockets (with the third lying in between and above the other two eyes).
**Invocation**: _"O great crystal skull of Jund, we beseech you, share your knowledge and give us the guidance we seek,"_ at which point it starts to glow and speaks in a booming voice "The Crystal Skull of Jund awaits your queries".
**Once invoked**: Will continue to operate for up to 10 minutes (1 turn), answering any questions it is asked, until it is deactivated.
**Deactivation**: _"O great crystal skull of Jund, we humbly thank you for your guidance,"_ at which point it stops glowing.
**Usage Frequency**: May be invoked up to three times per day.
### Other Functions
**Translation**: Reads (non-magical?) text and translates it by speak it aloud in the desired language.
**Identify**: May identify magic items, potentially including their functions and history. <!-- Base chance: 60%?, +15% for each eye %-->
### Statements Made
- **The Ravager** is an Eye Tyrant creation responsible for the destruction of 32 different planes. The Ravager is capable of honing in on a plane via any type of portal or color pool, passing through, and then destroying the plane from the other side.
- **Dulara** was a material plane that was annihilated 738 years ago by the Eye Tyrant Ravager, along with its 25-million inhabitants. It was the last plane destroyed by the Ravager, as of year 5023 of the Common Astral Calendar.
- **The Arcane Lords of Axion** were an ancient group of wizards thought to be the first to create a permanent stronghold in the astral plane. Established the Common Astral Calendar with the Purple Masters of Prasha 5023 years ago, leading to the creation of the Astral Trade Union. Founded the Axion Academy of Magicks in year 118 of the Common Astral Calendar. Vanished sometime after year 2045 of the Common Astral Calendar, circumstances unknown.
### GM Notes
For questions it can't (or won't) answer, it replies with _"The answer is not known to the Crystal Skull of Jund, and may be stored in one of the missing eyes of Jund."_
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: Darklurker
description: A sentient, demonic dagger that seeks the blood of lawful creatures.
date_pub: 2023-03-13T17:44:00-04:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mid1
A dagger with tiny, blood red veins on its blackened-metal blade and an ornately-carved blackened-bone handle.
_Azir claims that the dagger is actually a demon named Darklurker. According to him, it needs to be fed a blood sacrifice every day (3 phases), and can become "quite persistent" when it gets hungry. Apparently, it has a preference for the blood of lawful creatures._
**Bonus**: Grants +2 to attack and damage rolls (1d4+2), and an additional +2 to attack and damage rolls against a lawful target.
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: "DwarfHammer: 400"
date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:59:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: midh
status: draft
Accessories for the popular magical miniatures game, DwarfHammer 400.
In the game, players control groups of armies on a battlefield. The miniatures, representing a variety of dwarven heroes and military units from myth and legend, are highly detailed.
The miniatures themselves are mildly magical, but when used on an official DwarfHammer Battle Table, the game truly comes to life with programmed illusions and automatic piece movement.
Produced by Gnomes Workshop (a shadowy cabal consisting of neither dwarves nor gnomes), the miniatures are sold in many fine magic shops.
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Flaming Sword of Lorwin
date_pub: 2023-03-19T22:01:00-04:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mfs1
status: hidden
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: The Helm of Immaculate Conservation
description: A magical helmet that grants an aura of divine protection to nearby allies.
date_pub: 2023-03-05T23:02:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mihoh
status: hidden
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/helm-of-halos.jpg "A Helm of Immaculate Conservation")
- aka The Helm of Beatific Bulwark
- aka The Helm of Halos
A polished silver helmet adorned with etchings of archaic runes of blessing and a small wing on each temple.
> Created by Ser Barrock the Ever-blessed, paladin of Nyden, for use in the first War of the Wurm, this helmet supposedly grants divine protection to its wearer and all nearby allies. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for Ser Barrock - legend says that when the helmet was found on the battlefield following the 2nd Battle of Covaraa, it still had Ser Barrock's head in it.
> <cite>--- PV</cite>
**While worn**: Grants +1 to AC, and the wearer can see a glowing halo over every friendly humanoid within 60' (including himself).
**Halo effects**
- Can be seen by the wearer even in complete (non-magical) darkness.
- Dimly light 5-10' area around the character they're over (although it only affects the wearer's vision).
- Shatter when the character they're over would take damage or be killed by a hit, spell, or spell-like effect (like a Tyrant's eye beam), negating the damage taken.
- Shattered halos are restored the next morning at dawn.
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: Magic Items
description: A (growing) list magic items that can be found across the multiverse.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T18:50:00-05:00
date_upd: 2023-03-06T00:48:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mi1
Below you'll find a small sampling of the magic items that can be encountered in the astral plane.
- [Astral Compass](./astral-compass.html) - A magical device for navigating to a desired location on the astral plane.
- [The Crystal Skull of Jund](./crystal-skull-of-jund.html) - A magical, elongated, and (apparently) nearly omniscient crystal skull.
- [Darklurker](./darklurker-dagger.html) - A sentient, demonic dagger that seeks the blood of lawful creatures.
- [Pet Rock](./pet-rock.html) - A magical rock that obeys its owner's commands.
- [Ring of Eldritch Blasting](./ring-of-eldritch-blasting.html) - A magical ring that grants the wearer the ability to fire eldritch blasts.
- [The Tome of Forbidden Whispers](./tome-of-forbidden-whispers.html) - A cursed book about the Great Old Ones, written by a mad warlock.
- [Tyrhung, Wolf Hunter](./tyrhung-wolf-hunter.html) - A magical sword that specializes in identifying and killing lycanthropes.
- [Mirror of Meeting](./mirror-of-meeting.html)
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: Mirror of Meeting
description: A magical mirror that allows its user to meet with other remotely.
date_pub: 2023-02-20T22:56:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mimom
A mirror with intricately-carved detailing.
**Sizes**: Vary based on usage. Can be small and compact, or large and ornate.
**Bell**: Most mirrors come with a bell (or similar component) that rings to indicate that someone is trying to connect via the mirror.
**Using**: Meetings can be started by swiping sigils on the mirror.
- The sigils are tied to a specific mirror, and it rings that bell and tries to connect
- When someone else is trying to connect to one's mirror, you can "answer" the request, or dismiss it.
**Usage Frequency**: May be used to connect to another mirror up to 3 times per day. Each connection lasts at most 10 minutes.
In Game Examples
- Lord Stengar had a smaller one on his desk, about the size of a book.
- Amary's shop carried several different types and sizes
- The one on the Sky Runner is a 3' x 2' rectangle with 6" frame on one side, and a 4" notification bell inside the frame.
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title: Pet Rock
description: A magical rock that obeys its owner's commands.
date_pub: 2023-02-20T22:56:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mipr
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/pet-rock-1.jpg "A pet rock")
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/pet-rock-2.jpg "A pet rock")
A small polished stone, about 2-inches in diameter, typically with a rune or glyph on carved on it.
**Bonds**: With anyone who gives it a command while holding it, treating that person as it's master.
**Commands**: Responds to (at least) 3 commands:
- **Attack** - When spoken while being held by its master, the pet rock will leap from its master's hand and fly at any one opponent of its master's choice within 60 feet, attacking with a +3 to hit. On a successful hit, the pet rock inflicts 1d8 damage. If the pet rock hits a creature or object made of stone, roll a d20. On a 15 or less, the rock shatters instantly, but not before dealing an additional 2d10 points of damage to the target. Once used for an attack, if it isn't destroyed, the pet rock will immediately fly back to it's master's hand.
- **Heel** - When spoken while being held by its master, the pet rock moves to a space just behind its master and floats about a foot off the ground.
- **Come** - When spoken by its master, the pet rock leaps from wherever it is (within sight) to its master's hand.
_Adapted from original version by Roger E. Moore, as published in Dragon Magazine #45._
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Ring of Eldritch Blasting
description: A magical ring that grants the wearer the ability to fire eldritch blasts.
date_pub: 2023-02-20T22:43:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mireb
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/ring-of-eldritch-blasting.jpg "A ring of eldritch blasting")
A simple gold band etched with an arcane rune for the word "blast".
**Use**: On speaking the command word, a ray of dark-purple eldritch energy shoots from the wielder's hand towards target within 150', who must make a **saving throw versus spells** or take 1d6 damage.
**Usage limits**: Can be used up to 3 times per day.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Ring of the Scholar
date_pub: 2023-03-04T02:57:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mrots
status: hidden
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/ring-of-eldritch-blasting.jpg "A ring of the scholar")
A simple silver band with an archaic symbol for knowledge on it.
**While worn**: Increases INT up to 4 points, to a maximum of 14.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: "Sorcery: the Summoning"
date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:59:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mists
status: draft
- POpular card game, simulates a battle between two powerful mages
- very popular among children of magic users
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
title: The Tome of Forbidden Whispers
description: A magical reference book for those that deal with device for navigating to a desired location on the astral plane.
date_pub: 2023-03-04T02:57:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mtofw
> I've seen this book up close twice, and neither person who held it is currently alive.
> But, it's more than that.... It's like the words themselves seem to worm their way into your brain as you read them... It can lead to some disquieting moments, to say the least.
> Avoid at all costs.
> <cite>--- PV</cite>
Written in common, this book is filled with the lunatic ravings of it's author, Malakyre, the Mad (the so-called "Whispering Warlock"). Rumors persist that messages about the Far Realms and its loathsomely angled gods are hidden within its pages.
- **Non-spell casters** - See the book as an oddly-written "reference guide" to several major (but mostly forgotten) Great Old Ones and Outer Gods from the Far Planes (+2 to Ability checks when researching).
- **Divine spell casters** - See the book as evil, regardless of alignment.
- **Arcane spell casters** - Add [Cause Fear](<https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Remove_Fear_(Cause_Fear)>) and [ESP](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/ESP) to the list of spells they can prepare. The first time that either spell added this way is cast each day, the caster must **save versus spells** or spend the rest of the turn in a catatonic state, unable to move or attack.
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Tyrhung, Wolf Hunter
description: A magical sword that specializes in identifying and killing lycanthropes.
date_pub: 2023-02-20T22:43:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: mitwh
<div class="imgWrapper">
, released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/tyrhung.jpg "Tyrhung, Wolf Hunter")
A finely-crafted silver longsword, acid-etched with moon iconography and the name _Tyrhung_ in an ancient elvish script, held by an ornately-carved grip.
- **Sword +1, +2 vs Lycanthropes**
- **Moon-blessed** - When a moon-blessed sword is unsheathed in darkness (or its command word is spoken), it illuminates an area of 30 foot radius with moonlight. While illuminated this way, any lycanthropes within the light appear as their animal forms.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
title: Magic Items - WIP
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:59:00-05:00
section: magic items
content_type: feature
short_code: none
status: draft
- http://recedingrules.blogspot.com/2010/03/spell-like-effect-spur.html
_Armor of the Maestro_
- 2 5(3 2) 3 8 2 11
- Touch
- Roll Twice
- Utility
- Defense
- 30'
- 1 day
- Animate
- Sound
Bard armor that:
- turns a song into a "music elemental" (possibly based on the type of music)
- this could also function like a "summon X" spell
- these aren't in the SRD, are they in the advanced book? If not, I'd like to maybe think about adding them
- or something like the music fight in Doctor Strange 2 (turning music notes into weapons, or maybe little helpers?)
- also may have some degree of versatility, allowing for slightly different results based on the type of music
_Sword of Raining Stones_
- 3 1 1 7 9 6
- Distance
- Attack
- 10'
- 1-6 hours
- Evoke
- Earth
A sword that, once per day, can summon a small (10' radius) localized meteor storm over a point 10' away. Once summoned, it lasts 1d6 hours, can be moved at will (at a speed of 10' / round).
- What effect would this have?
- it's earth, so maybe something else? a large boulder?
- Once per day, can summon 1d6 small meteors, each of which can land at any you can see.
- Small, blazing orbs of earth and fire plummet to the ground at 1d6 points you can see. When the meteors hit, each deals 1d6 damage to every creature within 10' of where they land (save vs spells for half-damage).
- Once per day, the weilder can speak the command words to summons a rain of falling stones for 1d6 rounds, and any creature caught in it takes 2d6 damage each round (save vs spells for half, roll once for the duration)
_Helm of Halos_
- 2 3 6 8 8 18
- Touch
- utility
- 60'
- 1 day
- divine
- Humanoid
A helmet (+1 AC) for for lawful(-good) clerics and paladins that allows the wearer to see a halo around every friendly humanoid (human / demihuman) within 60'. The first time each humanoid with a halo is hit, that hit is negated, and their halo shatters, restored the next morning at dawn.
_The Ring of Zozridiz_
- 2 6(2 1 3) 1 10 4 16
- Touch
- Thrice
- Defense
- Attack
- Utility
- 10'
- Permanent
- Conjure
- Human
No idea.
- Maybe a demon bound to a piece of armor / talisman / something (like a black, oily gauntlet) that spreads over it's wielder, granting them +1 attack, +1 AC, and +1 to all saving throws
- a magic item with a hadar-like power to conjure tentacles (for attack / defense with an extra 10' reach)
- Even better - a demon bound to a ring which will grant the user +1 Atk / +1 AC / +10' reach
- makes their arms stretch, like Dhalsim (which looks weird and creepy)
- may also give them a demonic visage
- the demon keeps renegotiating their terms at the most inopportune moments
- may try to take over during combat and go a bit berserk
_Cloak of melting_
- 4 4 6 3 12 16
- Area Effect
- Transport
- 60'
- 1d6 rounds
- Transmute
- Human
Something that will allow everyone in 60' to melt and re-appear 60' away (in the same direction), and then which triggers again up to 1d6 times (at the beginning of each new round)
- cloak, crown, ring, amulet
_The Gauntlets of Balance_
- 2 5(3 1) 2 10 8 13
- Touch
- Twice
- Utility
- attack
- 20'
- Permanent
- Divine
- Infernal
- what about a set of gloves - one divine, one infernal?
- can only be wielded by neutral aligned beings
- maybe the infernal one gives an attack bonus against divine beings, and the divine one does the opposite, but only while both are worn?
- either can be used as a +1 weapon for 1d6+1 damage (1d6+3 vs opposite?)
- what's the utility? lay on hands?
- maybe the infernal one inflict wound (1d6), the divine one heals (1d6)
- what's the limit for the healing?
- maybe using one more that the other pulls you towards law or chaos?
_Jadwirm's Shrinking Circle_ - 4 5(4 3) 7 8 12 3
- Area Effect
- Twice
- Transport
- Utility
- 70'
- 1 day
- Transmute
- Mineral
- a black-iron ring with 4 small gems spaced evenly around the ring
- Maybe something like drawmij's instant fortress? Can shrink all the non-organic material in a 70' radius down to a 7" circle, which can then be made bigger on command.
- Set it down and say keyword 1 ("shrink?"), and all of the non-organic material within 70' gets pulled into it.
- It has a very small representation of what was around it now in the middle (same places, diff scale)
- each ability (shrink / grow) only works once per day
- 2 6(4 3 4) 3 8 6 3
- Touch
- Thrice
- Transport(x2)
- Utility
- 30'
- 1 day
- Dispel / Disappear
- Mineral
_The Soul Collector's Crossbow_
- a hellfire-imbued crossbow (black with veins of orange fire)
- whenever a creature is killed with the crossbow, a strange coin appears near the wielder
- It's a soulcoin (or a hellcoin)
- May be useful for trade if / when the party goes to hell
- Rolls
- 2 2 6 6 12 7
- Results
- Touch
- Defense
- 60'
- 1-6 hours
- Transmute
- Water
- Ideas
- turns up to 6 people into water - they mintain their basic shape, but become immune to non-agical damage
- Rolls
- 4 4 5 5 4 7
- Results
- AoE
- Transport
- 40
- 1-6 turns
- Conjure
- Water
- Ideas
- conjure a great sea-turtle (made of water) to carry a group on it's back for 1-6 turns
- Rolls
- 3 5 (2 3) 1 5 7 15
- Results
- Distance
- 1-4 x2
- Defense
- Utility
- 10
- 1-6 turns
- Distort
- Space/Dimension
- Ideas
- "Portal"-style portals - once activated, each gesture creates one or the other of a pair of portal - what goes into one comes out the other with the same speed
` - Once activated, portals can be made at will for the duration of the spell, and all remaining portals vanish when the spell ends. - portals can only be created up to 10' from caster, but once created, remain in place for the duration (or until dismissed)
- Rolls
- 2 3 3 5 1 13
- Results
- Touch
- Utility
- 30
- 1-6 turns
- Alter
- Infernal
- Ideas
- turn someone into a demon / devil for up to 6 turns
- Rolls
- 2 1 6 9 12 17
- Results
- Touch
- Attack
- 60
- 1-6 days
- Transmute
- Demi-human
- Ideas
- Something that transmutes things into demi-humans (or demi-humans into things)
- Rolls
- 4 2 2 3 10 5
- Results
- AoE
- Defense
- 20
- 1-6 rounds
- Shield
- Fire
- Ideas
- This sounds like Eric's shield on the D&D cartoon - a cavilier's shield that could block vs/ magical attacks / AoEs
- Maybe a 20' diameter ring of fire that grants some kind of AC bonus
- Rolls
- 4 1 8 6 3 2
- Results
- AoE
- Attack
- Sight
- 1 hour
- Compel
- Vegetable
- Ideas
- grows saprolings / treefolk out of the ground - they live for an hour, and then return to the soil
- or maybe just vines
2 4 4 7 7 14
- Touch
- Transport
- 40'
- 1-6 hours
- distort
- Time
- This strikes me as something that puts people into suspended animation for 1-6 hours and allows you to carry them without them realizing any time has passed.
- not sure how the touch / 40' come into it
- what if it's a bracelet that can "store" all creatures within 40' in it (giving the crystals a particular shine), and then can be worn by someone else
- after (1d)6 hours, the creatures reappear, the same distance they were from the bracelet when stored
2 4 3 5 10 9
- Touch
- Transport
- 30'
- 1-6 turns
- Shield
- Shadow
- what about something that covers a transport in a shroud of shadow? Or... protects it with a shield of shadow?
- why not both - generates a 30' diameter "shadow shield" that serves to both hide what's in the shield (and make it nearly invisible at night) AND protects it from harm (like a +2 to everything within the shield)?
- save this for the void lords? Or make it another hint / piece of the void lord puzzle that the PCs find?
- powerful, but fairly short duration (1d6 turns)
3 3 5 8 7 6
- Distance
- Utility
- 50'
- 1 day
- Distort
- Earth
- first idea was to make soemthign that can "fold" earth, but I'm having trouble imagining that, so...
- an item that turns a 10' wide cylinder of earth / rock (up to 50' long) into something passable - maybe it becomes liquid and you can swim it, maybe it turns it into an illusion?
- the hard part is the day - is that how long it lasts? Is it a one-off?
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Buccaneer, Astral
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mab
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Pirate, Astral
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: map
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Whale, Astral
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: maw
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Dragons, Crystalline
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mcd
status: hidden
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Drahki (Dracokin)
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: md1
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Ghyffan (Hippokin)
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mg1
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: Astral Monsters
description: A small collection of monsters that can be encountered in the astral plane.
description: A small collection of creatures that can be encountered in the astral plane.
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mm1
Below you'll find a small sampling of the monsters that can be encountered in the astral plane.
Below you'll find a small sampling of the creatures that can be encountered in the astral plane.
- [Buccaneer, Astral](./astral-buccaneer.html)
- [Dragons, Crystalline](./crystalline-dragons.html)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Warp Kitten
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mwk
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
title: Automaton
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: races
content_type: feature
short_code: ra1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------------- | ----------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CON 9 |
| **Ability modifiers** | None |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
Automatons are magically-powered, fully sentient beings composed of metal and wood. Although some are believed to have been built for a long forgotton war, most were built as arcane experiments by powerful wizards (or to serve as slaves in decadent, high-magic socities). Despite their origins, many are driven to find a purpose beyond their original design.
### Available Classes and Max Level
- **Acrobat**: 10th
- **Assassin**: 10th
- **Bard**: 8th
- **Cleric**[^1]: 7th
- **Fighter**: 12th
- **Knight**: 10th
- **Magic-user**: 9th
- **Paladin**: 8th
- **Ranger**: 7th
- **Thief**: 10th
[^1] At the referee’s option, automaton clerics may only exist as NPCs.
### Combat
An automaton can wield any weapon, and can use any armour that has been integrated with their body (see below).
### Integrated Armor
The body of an automaton has built-in defensive layers, which may be enhanced with armor.
- Automatons gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
- Automatons can don any armour. To don armour, it must be incorporated into an automaton's body over the course of 1 hour, during which they must remain in contact with the armour. To doff armour, an automaton must spend 1 hour removing it. A foregling can rest while donning or doffing armour in this way.
- While an automaton lives, worn armour can't be removed from their body against their will.
### Resilience
Automatons have remarkable fortitude, represented as follows:
- Automatons don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
- Automatons are immune to disease.
- Automatons don't need to sleep, and magic can't put them to sleep (although they do still need to rest, see below).
- Automatons get +2 on saving throws vs. poison
### Sentry
When an automaton takes a rest, they must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, the automaton appears inert, but is still concious and can see and hear as normal.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
title: Dracokin
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: races
content_type: feature
short_code: rd1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------------- | --------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CON 9 |
| **Ability modifiers** | +1 STR, -1 WIS |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Draconic |
### Available Classes and Max Level
- **Assassin**: 10th
- **Bard**: 7th
- **Cleric**: 7th
- **Fighter**: 12th
- **Knight**: 11th
- **Magic-user**: 9th
- **Paladin**: 11th
- **Ranger**: 12th
- **Thief**: 9th
### Breath Weapon
Dracokin use the power of their draconic ancestory to exhale destructive energy. When a dracokin uses their breath weapon, all creatures in the area must make a saving throw vs. Breath Attacks. A creature takes 2d4 damage on a failed save, half as much on a successful one. The damage increase to 3d4 at 6th level, and 4d4 at 12th. Dracokin may use their breath weapons a number of times per day equal to 1/2 their level, rounded up.
### Breath Resistance
Dracokin get a +2 to all Saving Throws vs. Breath Attacks of the same type that they can produce.
### Draconic Ancestry
Dracokin are are distantly related to a particular kind of dragon. Choose a type of dragon from the below list; this determines the damage and area of your breath weapon.
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| 1d20 | Color | Breath Weapon |
| :---: | :------: | :------------------------: |
| 1 | Amethyst | 30' Line of Cold |
| 2-3 | Black | 30' Line of Acid |
| 4-5 | Blue | 30' Line of Lightning |
| 6 | Brass | 20' Cone of Sleep Gas[^1] |
| 7 | Bronze | 30' Line of Lightning |
| 8 | Copper | 30' Line of Acid |
| 9 | Emerald | 20' Cone of Acid |
| 10 | Gold | 20' Cone of Fire |
| 11-12 | Green | 10' Cloud of Chlorine Gas |
| 13 | Onyx | 10' Cloud of Chlorine Gas |
| 14-15 | Red | 20' Cone of Fire |
| 16 | Ruby | 30' Line of Fire |
| 17 | Silver | 20' Cone of Cold |
| 18 | Topaz | 10' Cloud of Sleep Gas[^1] |
| 19-20 | White | 20' Cone of Cold |
[Draconic Ancestry]
[^1]: Rather than dealing damage, targets in area must _save versus breath_ or fall asleep for 1d4 turns
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
title: Felinar
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: races
content_type: feature
short_code: rf1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------------- | ----------------- |
| **Requirements** | None |
| **Ability modifiers** | +DEX, -WIS |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
## Available Classes and Max Level
- **Acrobat**: 10th
- **Assassin**: 10th
- **Cleric**[^1]: 6th
- **Fighter**: 8th
- **Knight**: 7th
- **Magic-user**: 9th
- **Ranger**: 9th
- **Thief**: 10th
[^1]: At the referee’s option, felinar clerics may only exist as NPCs.
## Claw Attack
Felinar have natural claws that can be used to make an attack, dealing 1d4 damage on a successful hit.
## Infravision
Felinar have infravision to 60’ (see _Darkness_ under [Hazards and Challenges](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Hazards_and_Challenges#Darkness_)).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
title: Firfolk
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: races
content_type: feature
short_code: rf2
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------------- | --------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CON 9 |
| **Ability modifiers** | -1 INT, +1 WIS |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Firspeak |
### Available Classes and Max Level
- Assassin: 6th
- Druid[^1]: 10th
- Fighter: 8th
- Knight: 7th
- Ranger: 9th
- Thief: 8th
[^1]: At the referee’s option, firfolk druids may only exist as NPCs.
### Combat
Firfolk can use all types of weapons and armour, but it must be tailored to their large size.
**Two-handed melee weapons**: A firfolk can wield any two-handed melee weapon, such as a battle axe, with only one hand.
### Innate Magic
At 2nd level, a firfolk is able to cast the _glamour_ spell once per day and, at 4th level, _invisibility_ once per day.
### Languages
Firfolk know Common, their alignment language, and Firspeak (the native language of the firfolk race).
### Open Doors
Firfolk open even barred doors with ease. They are treated as the next highest STR category when it comes to determining their chance of opening doors (see
[Ability Scores](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php/Ability_Scores) in Old-School Essentials). For example, a firfolk with STR 12 is treated as if their STR were in the 13–15 category instead.
### Resilience
Firfolk's natural constitution and resistance to magic grants them a +2 bonus to saving throws versus poison, spells, and magic wands, rods, and staves.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: Custom Character Races
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:15:00-05:00
section: races
content_type: feature
short_code: r1
Enjoy these custom character races in your Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy games.
- [Automaton](./automaton.html) - Mechanical beings powered by ancient, arcane magicks.
- [Dracokin](./dracokin.html) - Lizardfolk with distant relations to dragons.
- [Felinar](./felinar.html) - A race of anthropomorphic, catlike beings.
- [Firfolk](./firfolk.html) - Magical, gray half-giants that live in harmony with nature.
- [Mimikin](./mimikin.html) - A race of demihumans able to shift their physical forms at will.
- [Tortokin](./tortokin.html) - Anthropomorphic, upright turtles.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
title: Mimikin
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: races
content_type: feature
short_code: rm1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| **Requirements** | Minimum CHA 9 |
| **Ability modifiers** | None |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, any 2 other languages |
Mimikin are a rarely-seen type of demihuman, able to shift their physical forms at will. Human-like in stature, their true forms usually have naturally pale, grey skin, unnervingly blank facial features, and silvery hair. However, because of their shapeshifting nature, they usuallly pass as humans or other similarly-sized demihumans, only returning to their true forms on death.
Many mimikin use their gifts as a form of artistic or emotional expression, but some see them as invaluable tools for grifting, spying, and general deception, leading to their distrust by the other races.
### Available Classes and Max Level
- **Acrobat**: 10th
- **Assassin**: 10th
- **Bard**: 10th
- **Cleric**[^1]: 5th
- **Druid**[^1]: 8th
- **Fighter**: 6th
- **Magic-user**: 8th
- **Ranger**: 8th
- **Thief**: 10th
[^1]: At the referee’s option, mimikin clerics and druids may only exist as NPCs.
### Languages
Changelings know Common, their alignment language, and 2 other langauges of the referee's choice.
### Shapechanger
Mimikin can change their appearance and voice on demand. This includes choosing specific colorations of eyes, skin, and hair, along with hair length, sex, and even height and weight (the latter two within human standards). This ability even allows them to pass as a member of another (human-sized) race, although their game statistics do not change. They can only duplicate the appearance of a creature that they have seen, and are limited to forms with the same basic arrangement of limbs. The change process takes 1 round, and has no affect on their clothing or equipment. Once the change is complete, it can be maintained until the mimikin either changes again or they die (at which point they revert to their true forms).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
title: Tortokin
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00
section: races
content_type: feature
short_code: rt1
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------------- | ------------------------ |
| **Requirements** | Minimum WIS 9 |
| **Ability modifiers** | –1 DEX, +1 STR |
| **Languages** | Alignment, Common, Uquan |
Tortokin are a race of relatively tall (5.5') reptilian-looking humanoids with leathery, earth-toned skin and large, dark, tortoise-like shells on their backs capable of containing their entire bodies. They rarely wear any clothing, preferring instead to use belts and harnesses to carry their belongings. As most tortokin feel as though they have their houses on their backs, they rarely feel homesick and tend to avoid laying roots in any single place, preferring instead to travel and wander. Although they typically aren't good swimmers, their natural buoyancy and ability to hold their breath for extended periods of time helps them traverse swamps and bodies of water with ease.
### Available Classes and Max Level
- **Cleric**[^1]: 10th
- **Druid**[^1]: 10th
- **Fighter**: 7th
- **Knight**: 8th
- **Magic-user**: 8th
- **Ranger**: 9th
[^1]: At the referee’s option, tortokin clerics and druids may only exist as NPCs.
### Armour Class
Tortokin have hard shells that serve as natural armor, providing a base Armour Class of 6[13] which improves to 4[15] at 5th level, and 2[17] at 9th level.
### Claw Attack
Tortokin have natural claws that can be used to make an attack, dealing 1d4 damage on a successful hit.
### Combat
Tortokin can use all weapons and shields, but cannot use armour, instead relying on their hard shells for defence in battle.
### Hold Breath
Tortokin can hold their breath for up to 1 hour.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
title: Custom Rules
description: The custom rules we play with.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T18:09:00-05:00
section: rules
content_type: feature
short_code: rcr
### Character Creation
**Starting abilities** - Roll 4d6d1 (4d6, drop the lowest) for each ability, and assign them as desired.
**Hit dice** - The hit dice for each character class are increased by a die step (d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> d12)
### Class-Specific Changes
- **Magic User** - In addition to daggers and staves, Wizards can also use shortswords and crossbows.
- **Ranger** - Animal Companion - #TODO: Needs rules
### Arcane Magic
**Read Magic** (NEW) - All arcane spellcasters are assumed to begin with the Read Magic spell in their spellbooks, in addition to any spells they can gain from their class.
#### New Spells
New spells for arcane spellcasters are acquired via the following methods:
- finding new spells through adventuring (for example, discovering a tome of spells in an unearthed crypt); or
- acquiring new spells from another magic-user’s own collection, or under another magic-user’s tutelage (note, however, magic is jealously guarded, and players should expect NPC magic-users to try and extract a high price for such knowledge, whether in actual coin, through servitude, or in return for a favor or the completion of a task).
- Reminder: The content of magical scrolls cannot be transferred to a player’s spell book. In short, these spell scrolls do not actually contain the magical formulae needed to know how to cast a spell, but rather represent spells that have already been prepared in a way so as to be cast by other individuals without the need for ritual preparations.
#### Creating Potions and Scrolls
Arcane spellcasters may create potions or scrolls regardless of their current level (although creating ones "above" their current level would be increasingly more difficult, ex: it would take quite a bit of research for a 1st level magic user to create a scroll containing a 3rd level spell). All arcane spellcasters are also alchemists. As such, all a spellcaster requires for a potion is a recipe, a laboratory (portable or permanent), and ingredients (expressed in actual rare ingredients that must be acquired or a simple monetary cost).
- Alchemical recipes are found in the same collections of arcane lore (i.e., spell books) that spells are; and therefore, they are just as carefully (and jealously) guarded as the spells.
- Players will be notified if such “books” contain any recipes during play.
#### Copying From a Spellbook
- Any spellbook can be read with Read Magic.
- Reading a spell in another caster's spellbook can greatly simplify research into that spell, dropping the time required from two weeks per spell level to two days per spell level, and cutting the cost from 1000 gp / level to 200 gp / level.
### Combat
**Sequence Per Combat Round (6s)** (REVISED)
1. Declare spells and melee movement.
2. Initiative: Each side rolls 1d6.
3. Winning side acts:
1. Monster morale
2. Movement and Action
4. Other sides act: In initiative order.
#### Movement and Action
- A character may move and perform up to one action during each round of combat.
- Except in certain circumstances, the move and action may be made in any order (although the move may not be split up).
- An action usually consists of one of the following:
- Making an attack (missile or melee),
- Casting a spell, or
- Moving again.
- A spellcaster cannot move after casting a spell in a given round.
- A spellcaster may move prior to spellcasting,
#### Readied Missile Attacks
- Missile attacks may be declared based on event triggers and held until the trigger occurs (for example: covering a door until a creature arrives).
- Even if the readied attack was declared in the previous round, the attack itself still counts as that character's attack for the round it triggers.
#### Dual Wielding
Characters with DEX or STR as a prime requisite may choose to wield two one-handed weapons, as follows:
- The secondary weapon must be of small size (e.g. a dagger or hand axe).
- (NEW) Rather than making separate attacks with each weapon (at –2 and –4, respectively), a duel-wielding character may elect to only make a single attack, but may roll 2d20 and pick the highest value for the attack.
**Fighting Defensively** (NEW) - All classes may elect to spend an entire combat round fighting defensively (parrying, blocking, dodging, feinting, etc.). Characters fighting defensively may not attack at all during the round and receive +2 AC bonus (+4 AC bonus for Fighters). This option may be used with the standard Fighting Withdrawal rule. Fighting defensively must be declared prior to determining Initiative.
**Attacking from Behind** (NEW) - Unaware targets attacked from behind grant the attacker a +2 bonus to hit (note that this bonus does not stack with other class-specific bonuses for backstabbing, like the +4 that Thieves and Assassins get).
**Mounted Attack Bonus** (NEW) - Mounted attacks (except with small/short weapons like a dagger) receive a +1 bonus to hit against foes on foot (unless the foe is a Huge/Gigantic creature).
### Healing
**Natural** - For each full night of rest, a character of level 1 or higher recovers 1 hit die of hit points.
**Rations** - Once per day of adventuring, a character of level 1 or higher may eat a ration while on a resting turn to recover 1 hit die worth of hit points.
### Languages
In addition to the standard languages listed Core Rules, the following languages may be chosen by player characters with high Intelligence (at the referee’s discretion):
- **Aerial** - the language of air elemental and spoken on the elemental plane of air (Aeria / the Zephyr)
- **Angelic** - the language of law elementals and spoken the elemental plane of law (Ange / the Firmament)
- **Aquan** - the language of water elementals and spoken on the elemental plane of water (Aquos / the Deep)
- **Demonic** - the language of chaos elementals and spoken on the elemental plane of chaos (Dema / the Abyss)
- **Infernal** - the language of the devils of Infernus and their masters, the Authority of the Pit.
- **Primordial** - the language shared by all elementals and spoken most places on the elemental planes.
- **Pyrean** - the language of fire elementals and spoken on the elemental plane of fire (Pyrea / the Pyre)
- **Terran** - the language of earth elementals and spoken on the elemental plane of earth (Terru / the Rock)
### Death & Dying
#### Bleeding Out
When a character takes damage that reduces them to 0 HP (or less), that character is considered to be bleeding out.
- While bleeding out, a character can not make any attacks, and can only move at 1/2 their normal movement rate.
- While a character is bleeding out, they may make a saving throw vs. death during the attack phase of each round to try and stabilize.
- On a successful save, they stabilize at 1 HP, but can't fight and can only move 1/2 speed until treated or healed.
- On a failed save, they lose 1 HP to blood loss, and can try again next round.
- The bleeding out may be stopped (and the character instantly healed back to 1 HP) if another character does one of the following:
- Applies first aid via a successful Wisdom check,
- Feeds the wounded character a healing potion, or
- Cures the wounds via healing magic (Cure Light Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, etc.).
#### Poisoning
When a PC ingests poison, and they fail a Save vs. Poison, they instantly drop to 0 HP and are considered to be poisoned.
- While poisoned, a character can not make any attacks, and can only move at 1/2 their normal movement rate.
- While a character is poisoned, they may make a saving throw vs. poison during the attack phase of each round to avoid losing a hit point.
- The poison may be stopped (and the character instantly healed back to 0 HP) if another character does one of the following:
- Feeds the poisoned character the antidote to the poison (if one exists), or
- Cures the poison via healing magic (Neutralize Poison).
#### Dying
When a character is reduced to a number of HP below 0 equal to thier level (AKA at -[Level] HP), they must make a saving throw vs. death during the attack phase of each round to stay alive.
- If a character fails one of these saving throws, they are considered dead, and are usually permitted some heroic final words.
- A critical success on a death save restores the character to 1 HP and stops them from bleeding out.
- As with Bleeding Out, the character may be stabilized and instantly healed back to 1 HP if another character does one of the following:
- Applies first aid via a successful Wisdom check,
- Feeds the wounded character a healing potion, or
- Cures the wounds via healing magic (Cure Light Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, etc.).
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: The DAG
title: DAGGR (Dungeon Adventuring with Generic Gaming Rules)
date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:59:00-05:00
date_pub: 2023-03-26T16:23:00-04:00
section: campaign
content_type: feature
short_code: rdag
@ -24,14 +24,24 @@ Classic Heroic Open Role-gaming Engine (CHORE)
Classic Open Heroic O Role
Dungeon Adventure Game with Gratuitous Role-Playing
Dungeon Adventure Game with Generic Rules
Dungeon Adventuring with Generic Gaming Rules
# The Planar Vagabond's Dungeon Adventure Game
Designed to emulate the fun and fantasy of the earliest versions of the world's most famous roleplaying system, without getting bogged down by an excess of rules.
These rules are still a Work-in-Progress. If there's some rule or feature you need that isn't here yet (ex: spells), you can use the equivalent rule from [OSE](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php).s
These rules are still a Work-in-Progress. If there's some rule or feature you need that isn't here yet (ex: spells), feel free to use the equivalent rule from your favorite B/X-compatible retroclone.
> If you don't have a favorite B/X-compatible retroclone, might I suggest [OSE](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php)?
> <cite>-- PV</cite>
## How to Play
@ -94,20 +104,18 @@ Cosmic principles that represent broad world views
## Character Creation
1. Roll Abilities
- Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die (aka "4d6DL") for each.
- Either roll 4d6DL once for each ability in order and see what kind of character comes up, or make all 6 rolls and assign the results to fit a particular class and/or race.
2. Choose a Class
3. Determine Starting Level - If playing a legacy character, update starting XP appropriately
4. Roll Starting Hit Points - Type is determined by class, number is determined by level.
- Re-roll any 1s or 2s
2. Choose a Class (and, optionally, a Race besides human)
3. Determine Starting Level
- If playing a legacy character, update starting XP appropriately.
4. Roll Starting Hit Points
- Type is determined by class, number is determined by level.
- Re-roll any 1s or 2s.
5. Choose Alignment
6. Note Starting Languages
7. Buy Equipment
8. Determine attacks and AC.
8. Determine attacks and AC
## Combat
@ -125,12 +133,12 @@ That having been said, fights do occur, and when they do, the following steps ar
- **Morale Check** - Monsters who've been severely wounded or seen their leaders killed may flee. Roll 2d6 under morale score or the monsters surrender / flee.
- **Move** - Move up to full speed
- If prone, 1/2 movement to stand up.
- If adjacent to an enemy at the start of the move, make a defensive retreat or they get a free attack.
- If prone, use 1/2 movement to stand up.
- If _engaged_ with an enemy at the start of the move, make a _fighting retreat_ or they get a free attack.
- **Action** - Do something, like _attack_, _defend_, _cast a spell_, or stowe an item.
- Spellcasters can't move after casting a spell.
5. **Change Sides** - opposing side becomes active.
5. **Change Sides** - Opposing side becomes active.
6. **Slow Weapons** - Resolve any slow weapons or end-of-round abilities.
7. **Repeat** - Return to step 2 and repeat until only one side remains.
@ -174,7 +182,7 @@ Characters in melee combat with each other or other monsters are said to be **en
- If using 2 Light weapons, can make an attack with each one.
- If using a one-handed weapon and a Light weapon, get +1 on the attack and damage rolls.
- If using a one-handed weapon and a Light weapon, can only make one attack, but gets +1 on the attack and damage rolls.
#### Missile Attacks
@ -260,7 +268,7 @@ Spend a round fighting defensively (parrying, blocking, dodging, feinting, etc.)
### Movement
Most characters can move 40' in a combat round, unless another rule says otherwise.
Most characters can move 40' in a combat round.
**When Engaged** - Can't move away from foe without retreating.
@ -270,14 +278,14 @@ Most characters can move 40' in a combat round, unless another rule says otherwi
Engaged characters that wish to move away can either make a fighting retreat, or a full retreat.
- **Fighting Retreat** - Can move backwards at 1/2 their normal movement rate while still taking an attack action.
- **Full Retreat** - Turning and fleeing from combat at their full movement rate, can be attacked at +2 bonus.
- **Fighting Retreat** - Can move backwards at 1/2 their normal movement rate while still taking an attack or defend action, while avoiding giving enemies a free attack.
- **Full Retreat** - Turning and fleeing from combat at their full movement rate, enemies can make a free attack at +2 bonus.
## Health, Damage and Dying
Starting HP is based class and/or race. When damage is taken, HP is lost.
Starting HP is based class and race. When damage is taken, HP is lost.
Monsters and NPCs die at 0 HP (usually).
Monsters and NPCs usually die at 0 HP.
PCs at 0 HP (or lower) make a **Saving Throw vs Death** each round of combat.
@ -288,7 +296,7 @@ At -(level) HP (or lower), save or die.
After each long rest (8+ hours of sleep), regain 1 _hit die (HD)_ worth of HP.
Once per day, during a short rest (10 minutes+), eat a ration to regain 1 HD worth of HP.
Once per day, during a short rest (10 minutes), eat a ration to regain 1 HD worth of HP.
## Knowledge & Languages
@ -448,15 +456,15 @@ Spells are patterns of energy that can be manipulated by some characters, known
**Memorizing Spells** - Takes one hour, can only be done at start of day.
- A character’s level determines how many spells they can memorize at one time.
- The same spell may be memorized more than once, if the character can memorize more than one spell of the given level.
- A character’s level determines how many spells they can memorize at one time.
- The same spell may be memorized more than once, if the character can memorize more than one spell of that level.
**Casting Spells** - Memorized spells are cast by replicating necessary hand gestures and spoken words.
- When a spell is cast, it is erased the the caster's mind.
- The caster must be able to speak and move their hands freely (ex: can't be gagged, bound, or magically silenced).
- The target (a specific monster, character, object, or area of effect) must be visible to the caster (unless stated otherwise).
- The caster must have one hand free (or a magic item in one hand).
- When a spell is cast, it is erased the the caster's mind.
- The caster must be able to speak and move their hands freely (ex: can't be gagged, bound, or magically silenced).
- The target (a specific monster, character, object, or area of effect) must be visible to the caster (unless stated otherwise).
- The caster must have one hand free (or a magic item in one hand).
**Spell Effects**
@ -467,14 +475,14 @@ Spells are patterns of energy that can be manipulated by some characters, known
**Magical Research** - New spells may be learned / created via research.
- Requires access to information (ex: library, other spellbooks, etc.) .
- Takes 2 weeks, and 1000 gp per spell level.
- Takes 2 weeks, and 1000 standard coins per spell level.
**Arcane Magic** - Arcane spell casters memorize spells from their spell books, which must be close at hand.
- If a spell can be reversed, its form must be selected when the spell is memorized
- Both forms can be memorized if the character can memorize more than one spell of the given level.
- Spells may be learned from a higher-level mentor (1 week / spell), copied from a scroll or (deciphered) spellbook, or from research.
- Lost spell books can be rebuilt spell-by-spell, with each spell taking 1 week of game time and 1,000 sp per spell level.
- Lost spell books can be rebuilt spell-by-spell, with each spell taking 1 week of game time and 500 standard coins per spell level.
- Arcane casters can use arcane magic items and scrolls for spells on spell list.
| INT | SS | CC |
@ -503,7 +511,7 @@ Spells are patterns of energy that can be manipulated by some characters, known
**Ritual Magic** - Some spells may be cast without being memorized / granted through prayer or supplication.
- Ritual practices are often complicated spells cast over several minutes / turns.
- Ritual spells are often complicated, taking several minutes (or turns) to cast.
- Rituals are many and varied - some can even be performed by non-spellcasters (with proper instruction).
- Some rituals require a blood sacrifice or other difficult to obtain component.
@ -525,8 +533,8 @@ Saving throws versus magical effects get an additional modifier, based on the ch
As the adventures continue, treasure is acquired and monsters are vanquished, all adding to the PCs XP total.
- Each gold piece worth of treasure gained is worth 1 XP, and each monster hs an XP value.
- The total XP are then divided amongst the PCs and any hirelings they have (at 1/2 share per hireling)
- Each standard coin worth of treasure gained is worth 1 XP, and each monster has an XP value awarded for beating them (one way or another).
- The total XP are then divided amongst the PCs and any hirelings they have (at 1/2 share per hireling).
- Players running multiple characters gets a full share for their first PC and a half-share for the second, although they choose how to distribute the points.
- Referees may increase the derived value arbitrarily.
- Once a PC acquires enough XP, they go up to the next level in their class.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
title: DAGGR (Dungeon Adventuring with Generic Gaming Rules)
date_pub: 2023-03-26T16:23:00-04:00
section: campaign
content_type: feature
short_code: rdag
status: hidden
Heroic Open Dungeon-Oriented RPG (HODOR)
Classic Heroic Open Role-gaming Engine (CHORE)
Classic Open Heroic O Role
Dungeon Adventure Game with Gratuitous Role-Playing
Dungeon Adventure Game with Generic Rules
Dungeon Adventuring with Generic Gaming Rules
Designed to emulate the fun and fantasy of the earliest versions of the world's most famous roleplaying system, without getting bogged down by an excess of rules.
These rules are still a Work-in-Progress. If there's some rule or feature you need that isn't here yet (ex: spells), feel free to use the equivalent rule from your favorite B/X-compatible retroclone.
> If you don't have a favorite B/X-compatible retroclone, might I suggest [OSE](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/index.php)?
> <cite>-- PV</cite>
## How to Play
There is one _referee_. Everyone else is a _player_.
The referee's job is to describe what's happening in the game, and the players describe how their characters respond.
Sometimes, dice are rolled. These dice are described by how many sides they have (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and d100).
## Doing Things
Simple tasks are assumed to succeed. If the task is dangerous or complicated, roll the dice for a _check_.
For most checks, roll a 20-sided die (d20) under a character's most relevant _ability_ score.
For hard (or very hard) tasks, you can subtract 1 (or 2) from the ability before the roll.
## Abilities
Each player character (_PC_) has 6 abilities that help to define how they can interact with the world.
**Strength (STR)** - Raw physical power, affects melee damage and carrying capacity.
**Dexterity (DEX)** - Speed and agility of movement, affects _armor class (AC)_ when under attack.
**Constitution (CON)** - Mettle and gumption, affects _hit points (HP)_ gained at each level.
**Intelligence (INT)** - Knowledge and reasoning, affects languages known and arcane magic.
**Wisdom (WIS)** - Experience and insight, affects divine magic.
**Charisma (CHA)** - Appearance and social capability, affects hirelings and pact magic.
## Saving Throws
When something (bad) happens to a character or monster, they can usually make a saving throw to avoid some (or all) of it.
To make one, roll 1d20 and consult the appropriate table (with higher results doing better).
**Death** - Poison, death ray, bleeding out.
**Aimed** - Wands and other aimed items.
**Restrain** - Paralysis, petrification, being buried alive.
**Blasts** - Breath weapons and other area effects.
**Spells** - General magic, including from rods and staves.
## Alignment
Cosmic principles that represent broad world views
**Law** - Order, truth, and justice. Typically prosocial.
**Chaos** - Anarchy, power, and chance. Typically pro-individual.
**Neutrality** - Balance, mediation, and detachment.
## Character Creation
1. Roll Abilities
- Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die (aka "4d6DL") for each.
- Either roll 4d6DL once for each ability in order and see what kind of character comes up, or make all 6 rolls and assign the results to fit a particular class and/or race.
2. Choose a Class (and, optionally, a Race besides human)
3. Determine Starting Level
- If playing a legacy character, update starting XP appropriately.
4. Roll Starting Hit Points
- Type is determined by class, number is determined by level.
- Re-roll any 1s or 2s.
5. Choose Alignment
6. Note Starting Languages
7. Buy Equipment
8. Determine attacks and AC
## Combat
Adventurers tend to die easily, so most combat should be avoided unless the adventurers have a clear advantage.
That having been said, fights do occur, and when they do, the following steps are performed:
1. **Stealth Check** - Each side that's being relatively stealthy (quiet, douses torches, etc.) has a base 1-in-6 (1 on 1d6) chance of not being spotted.
- The side with stealth gets a free attack (or can pass unnoticed), and if both sides have stealth, they miss each other.
2. **Declare Spells, Defending, and Retreats** - Players declare if they will _cast a spell_, _defend_, or _retreat_ this round (and which type of retreat).
3. **Roll Initiative** - Each side that can attack rolls 1d20, highest roll attacks first.
4. **Winning Side Goes** - Each character or monster gets a move and an action, with either one occurring first.
- **Morale Check** - Monsters who've been severely wounded or seen their leaders killed may flee. Roll 2d6 under morale score or the monsters surrender / flee.
- **Move** - Move up to full speed
- If prone, use 1/2 movement to stand up.
- If _engaged_ with an enemy at the start of the move, make a _fighting retreat_ or they get a free attack.
- **Action** - Do something, like _attack_, _defend_, _cast a spell_, or stowe an item.
- Spellcasters can't move after casting a spell.
5. **Change Sides** - Opposing side becomes active.
6. **Slow Weapons** - Resolve any slow weapons or end-of-round abilities.
7. **Repeat** - Return to step 2 and repeat until only one side remains.
### Readying Weapons
- Available weapons may be readied for free while moving (if hands are empty or currently held items are dropped).
- Stowing held weapons takes a full action.
### Attacking
Roll 1d20 plus any appropriate modifiers. If it equals or beats the target's AC, roll for damage (again including any appropriate modifiers).
**From Behind** - +2 bonus to hit
**Mounted** - +1 bonus to hit most foes on foot.
**AC** - Character AC is usually determined by type of armor worn.
- **Shields** grant +1 AC when used.
- Can be destroyed to prevent a hit from inflicting damage
#### Melee Attacks
Melee attack rolls are modified based on the character's Strength.
| STR | Mod |
| :---: | :-: |
| 3 | -3 |
| 4-5 | -2 |
| 6-8 | -1 |
| 9-12 | +0 |
| 13-15 | +1 |
| 16-17 | +2 |
| 18+ | +3 |
Melee attacks are usually limited to 5' range.
Characters in melee combat with each other or other monsters are said to be **engaged**.
**Dual Wielding** - PCs with DEX 13+ can dual wield.
- If using 2 Light weapons, can make an attack with each one.
- If using a one-handed weapon and a Light weapon, can only make one attack, but gets +1 on the attack and damage rolls.
#### Missile Attacks
Missile attack rolls are modified based on the character's Dexterity.
| DEX | Mod |
| :---: | :-: |
| 3 | -3 |
| 4-5 | -2 |
| 6-8 | -1 |
| 9-12 | +0 |
| 13-15 | +1 |
| 16-17 | +2 |
| 18+ | +3 |
The range of missile attacks are usually determined by the type of missile used.
#### Critical Hits
A natural 20 is a critical hit. Roll 1d20 on the Critical Hit Table to see what additional effect occurs.
| 1d20 | Effect |
| :--: | :--------------------------------: |
| 1-2 | Max Damage |
| 3 | Max Damage + Free Attack[^1] |
| 4 | Max Damage + Target Fumble[^2] |
| 5 | Max Damage + Target Blinded[^3] |
| 6 | Double Damage |
| 7 | Double Damage + Free Attack[^1] |
| 8 | Double Damage + Target Fumble[^2] |
| 9 | Double Damage + Target Blinded[^3] |
| 10 | Double Max Damage |
| 11 | Triple Damage |
| 12 | Triple Damage + Free Attack[^1] |
| 13 | Triple Damage + Target Fumble[^2] |
| 14 | Triple Damage + Target Blinded[^3] |
| 15 | Triple Max Damage |
| 16 | Quadruple Max Damage |
| 17 | Max Damage + Armor Damaged[^4] |
| 18 | Max Damage + Target Amputation[^5] |
| 19 | Max Damage + Target Stunned[^6] |
| 20 | Save vs. Death or die |
[^1]: **Free Attack** - Attempt another hit with same weapon
[^2]: **Target Fumble** - Target must roll on fumble table
[^3]: **Target Blinded** - Blood or debris blinds target for 1d4 rounds
[^4]: **Armor Damaged** - Reduce target's AC by 1 until armor repaired / healed
[^5]: **Target Amputation** - Target loses an appendage.
[^6]: **Target Stunned** - Blow stuns target for 1d6 rounds
#### Fumbles
A natural 1 is a fumble. Roll 1d20 on the Fumble Table to see what additional effect occurs.
| 1d20 | Effect |
| :--: | :----------------------------------------------------: |
| 1 | Stumble, weapon breaks |
| 2 | Stumble, automatic hit on closest ally within 10'[^1] |
| 3 | Stumble, next attack against is automatic critical hit |
| 4 | Stumble, can't attacks until end of next round |
| 5 | Stumble, can't attack until next round |
| 6 | Stumble, next attack against is automatic hit |
| 7 | Stumble, hit self for maximum damage[^1] |
| 8 | Stumble, hit self for regular damage[^1] |
| 9 | Stumble, all rolls next round get -2 |
| 10 | Stumble, go last in initiative next round |
| 11 | Fall down (prone) and drop weapon 30' away |
| 12 | Fall down (prone) and drop weapon 20' away |
| 13 | Fall down (prone) and drop weapon 10' away |
| 14 | Fall down (prone) and drop weapon nearby |
| 15 | Fall down (prone) |
| 16 | Drop weapon 30' away |
| 17 | Drop weapon 20' away |
| 18 | Drop weapon 10' away |
| 19 | Drop weapon at feet |
| 20 | Fumble weapon, but maintain hold |
[^1]: **Automatic Hits** - Roll 1d20 to check for critical, but ignore further fumbles.
### Defending
Spend a round fighting defensively (parrying, blocking, dodging, feinting, etc.). Gets +2 AC. Can be used with **Fighting Retreat**.
### Movement
Most characters can move 40' in a combat round.
**When Engaged** - Can't move away from foe without retreating.
**When Prone** - Use 1/2 movement to stand up.
### Retreating
Engaged characters that wish to move away can either make a fighting retreat, or a full retreat.
- **Fighting Retreat** - Can move backwards at 1/2 their normal movement rate while still taking an attack or defend action, while avoiding giving enemies a free attack.
- **Full Retreat** - Turning and fleeing from combat at their full movement rate, enemies can make a free attack at +2 bonus.
## Health, Damage and Dying
Starting HP is based class and race. When damage is taken, HP is lost.
Monsters and NPCs usually die at 0 HP.
PCs at 0 HP (or lower) make a **Saving Throw vs Death** each round of combat.
- On success, stabilize at 1 HP (no need to continue saving vs death), but can't fight and can only move 1/2 speed until treated or healed.
- On fail, lose 1 HP to blood loss and try again next round.
At -(level) HP (or lower), save or die.
After each long rest (8+ hours of sleep), regain 1 _hit die (HD)_ worth of HP.
Once per day, during a short rest (10 minutes), eat a ration to regain 1 HD worth of HP.
## Knowledge & Languages
**Identifying (Magic) Items** - INT check
**Medical Treatment** - INT check, success restores ability to move and fight (after nearly dying).
- Can't be used on oneself.
**Languages Known**
| INT | Spoken Languages | Read? |
| :---: | :--------------: | :---: |
| 3 | Native (broken) | No |
| 4-5 | Native | No |
| 6-8 | Native | Basic |
| 9-12 | Native | Yes |
| 13-15 | Native + 1 | Yes |
| 16-17 | Native + 2 | Yes |
| 18+ | Native + 3 | Yes |
## Encumbrance
PCs can carry a number of "Important Items" equal to their strength (to a minimum of 10).
- Leather armor counts as 1 item, chain-mail counts as 2 items, plate counts as 3 items.
- 2-handed weapons count as 2 items.
- 1000 coins or 100 gems count as 1 item.
Carrying more items than allowed can be done, but movement is halved (or worse).
## Time
Time is often represented at different scales:
- A combat round is 10 seconds long.
- An exploration turn takes 10 minutes.
- A watch takes 4 hours.
- A long rest takes 8 hours.
## Exploration Procedure
The general steps to take when exploring (dungeon, wilderness, etc.)
1. **Setup** - Referee describes the situation
2. **Marching Order** - Party determines general exploration process
3. **Complication Check** - Referee rolls the complication die to see what effect it has.
4. **Actions / Responses / Complications** - Party declares actions, referee describes the results (and any complications).
5. **End Turn / Watch** - When the party's gone far enough or combat has completed, the (dungeon) turn or (wilderness) watch ends.
- Dungeon: 120'
- Wilderness: 12 miles
6. **Repeat** - Return to step 2 and repeat until the adventuring ends.
### Complication Check
Roll 1d6, ignoring results of 4+ for the first 4 turns in a session (or since they last occurred).
1. **Encounter** - Wandering monster, social encounter, or some other random interaction.
2. **Signs** - Indications of possible encounter nearby - could be a clue, monster tracks, etc.
3. **Locality** - Some environmental or external event that affects the PCs - water rises, the assassin gets closer to the target, doors lock behind the party, etc.
4. **Exhaustion** - Take a rest turn (short rest) or (additional) -1 to all rolls until you do.
5. **Light Source** - Torches go out, lanterns go out every third time.
6. **No Complications**
### Listening at Doors
Spend a minute listening at a door to have a base 1-in-6 chance of hearing a noise.
- Referee makes this roll.
### Opening Doors
**Locked Doors** - Can be picked or broken.
- Picking a lock takes 1d6 minutes.
**Stuck Doors** - Can be unstuck or broken.
Doors always break on a 1. Failure can affect stealth / surprise.
| STR | Unstick | Break |
| :---: | :-----: | :----: |
| 3-8 | --- | 1-in-6 |
| 9-12 | 2-in-6 | 1-in-6 |
| 13-15 | 3-in-6 | 2-in-6 |
| 16-17 | 4-in-6 | 3-in-6 |
| 18+ | 5-in-6 | 4-in-6 |
## Monsters and NPCs
_Monster Saving Throws_
| HD | Death | Wielded | Paralyze | Blasts | Spells |
| :---: | :---: | :-----: | :------: | :----: | :----: |
| 0 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
| 1-3 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
| 4-6 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
| 7-9 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 12 |
| 10-12 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 10 |
| 13-15 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 8 |
| 16-18 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 6 |
| 19-21 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
| 22+ | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
_Monster Attack Modifiers_
| Max HD | Mod | Max HD | Mod |
| :----: | :-: | :----: | :-: |
| 0 | -1 | 9 | +7 |
| 1 | +0 | 11 | +8 |
| 2 | +1 | 13 | +9 |
| 3 | +2 | 15 | +10 |
| 4 | +3 | 17 | +11 |
| 5 | +4 | 19 | +12 |
| 6 | +5 | 21 | +13 |
| 7 | +6 | 22+ | +14 |
Monsters with bonus hit points (ex: HD X+1) attack as one HD higher.
### Reaction Rolls
If monster / NPC reaction isn't obvious, roll 2d6 (+ CHA modifier, if someone tries to interact)
**Reaction Table**
| 2d6 | Result |
| :-: | :-----: |
| 2- | Attack! |
| 3 | Hateful |
| 4 | Leery |
| 5 | Rude |
| 6 | Aloof |
| 7 | Neutral |
| 8 | Partial |
| 9 | Cordial |
| 10 | Amiable |
| 11 | Helpful |
| 12+ | Family! |
_Charisma Modifier_
| CHA | Mod |
| :---: | :-: |
| 3 | -2 |
| 4-8 | -1 |
| 9-12 | +0 |
| 13-17 | +1 |
| 18+ | +2 |
## Spellcasting
Spells are patterns of energy that can be manipulated by some characters, known as spellcasters.
**Spell List** - Each class has an associated list of spells.
**Memorizing Spells** - Takes one hour, can only be done at start of day.
- A character’s level determines how many spells they can memorize at one time.
- The same spell may be memorized more than once, if the character can memorize more than one spell of that level.
**Casting Spells** - Memorized spells are cast by replicating necessary hand gestures and spoken words.
- When a spell is cast, it is erased the the caster's mind.
- The caster must be able to speak and move their hands freely (ex: can't be gagged, bound, or magically silenced).
- The target (a specific monster, character, object, or area of effect) must be visible to the caster (unless stated otherwise).
- The caster must have one hand free (or a magic item in one hand).
**Spell Effects**
- Some spells affect multiple targets, either by area or by Hit Dice total. If the spell doesn't say how to select the targets, the referee decides.
- Some spells require the caster to concentrate to maintain the spell's effect. Performing any other action or being distracted (ex: attacked) causes concentration to end.
- Multiple spells cannot increase the same ability (e.g. bonuses to attack rolls, AC, damage rolls, saving throws, etc.). Spells that affect different abilities can be combined, just as spells can be combined with the effects of magical items.
**Magical Research** - New spells may be learned / created via research.
- Requires access to information (ex: library, other spellbooks, etc.) .
- Takes 2 weeks, and 1000 standard coins per spell level.
**Arcane Magic** - Arcane spell casters memorize spells from their spell books, which must be close at hand.
- If a spell can be reversed, its form must be selected when the spell is memorized
- Both forms can be memorized if the character can memorize more than one spell of the given level.
- Spells may be learned from a higher-level mentor (1 week / spell), copied from a scroll or (deciphered) spellbook, or from research.
- Lost spell books can be rebuilt spell-by-spell, with each spell taking 1 week of game time and 500 standard coins per spell level.
- Arcane casters can use arcane magic items and scrolls for spells on spell list.
| INT | SS | CC |
| :---: | :-: | :-: |
| 3 | 1 | 20 |
| 4-5 | 1 | 30 |
| 6-8 | 2 | 40 |
| 9-12 | 3 | 50 |
| 13-15 | 4 | 65 |
| 16-17 | 5 | 80 |
| 18+ | 6 | 95 |
- **Starting Spells (SS)** - The number of starting spells in a new caster's spell book.
- **Copy Chance (CC)** - The chance to copy spells scrolls and other sources into spellbook. Roll 1d100, result under score is success, failure means can't try again until next XP level.
**Divine Magic** - Divine spell casters memorize spells through prayer to their gods. When praying for spells, they may choose any spells in their class’ spell list that they are of high enough level to cast.
- Divine casters must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment, clergy, and religion.
- If they ever fall out of favor with their deity, penalties may be imposed (ex: -1 to attack, a reduction in spells, or being sent on a perilous quest).
- To regain favor, they would need to perform a great deed for their deity (referee's choice - ex: donating relics or gold, building a temple, converting others to the religion, etc.).
- Divine casters can cast reversed versions spells (possibly gaining deity disfavor).
- **Lawful characters** - Only use reversed spells in dire circumstances.
- **Chaotic characters** - Usually use reversed spells, only using normal spell versions to benefit their allies.
- **Neutral characters** - Usually favor either normal or reversed spells, depending on the deity.
- Divine casters can use divine magic items and scrolls for spells on their spell list.
**Ritual Magic** - Some spells may be cast without being memorized / granted through prayer or supplication.
- Ritual spells are often complicated, taking several minutes (or turns) to cast.
- Rituals are many and varied - some can even be performed by non-spellcasters (with proper instruction).
- Some rituals require a blood sacrifice or other difficult to obtain component.
### Magic Saves
Saving throws versus magical effects get an additional modifier, based on the character's Wisdom.
| WIS | Mod |
| :---: | :-: |
| 3 | -3 |
| 4-5 | -2 |
| 6-8 | -1 |
| 9-12 | +0 |
| 13-15 | +1 |
| 16-17 | +2 |
| 18+ | +3 |
## Advancement
As the adventures continue, treasure is acquired and monsters are vanquished, all adding to the PCs XP total.
- Each standard coin worth of treasure gained is worth 1 XP, and each monster has an XP value awarded for beating them (one way or another).
- The total XP are then divided amongst the PCs and any hirelings they have (at 1/2 share per hireling).
- Players running multiple characters gets a full share for their first PC and a half-share for the second, although they choose how to distribute the points.
- Referees may increase the derived value arbitrarily.
- Once a PC acquires enough XP, they go up to the next level in their class.
## Legal Information
> This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
### Astral Gliding
While on astral plane, can use currents to move as fast as an astral vessel.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
### Breath Weapon
- Can be used up to 3x per day.
- All caught in area take damage equal to dragon's current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half.
- Shapes:
- **Cloud** - 50’ long, 40’ wide, 20’ high.
- **Cone** - 2’ wide at the mouth, 30’ wide at far end.
- **Line** - 5’ wide along whole length.
- Immune to their own breath weapon, automatically save vs related attacks.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
### Planar Roar
Can roar to opens a 10' diameter portal to the astral plane 1d6 x 10' away.
- Portal remains open for up to 1d6 turns, closing 1 turn after the dragon passes through.
- 30% chance to reach specific place in the astral plane (if desired), otherwise the portal opens at a random point.
- Can be used up to once per week.
- Can't be used while on the astral plane.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<div class="rulesMenu">
Version 0.9.1 / 2023-04-22
- [Basics](/rules/basics.html)
- [Combat](/rules/combat.html)
- [Adventuring](/rules/adventuring.html)
- [Magic](/rules/magic.html)
- [Referees Only](/rules/referees.html)
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@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ var titlesBySection = {
campaign: "Campaign Info",
classes: "Character Classes",
"magic-items": "Magic Items",
planes: "Other Planes",
planes: "Planar Cosmology",
races: "Character Races",
rules: "House Rules",
// planes
elemental: "Elemental Planes",
material: "Material Planes",
near: "Near Planes",
transcendental: "Transcendental Planes",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
and is licensed under a
and is released under a
href="/licenses/cc-by-sa.html">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
@ -32,25 +32,71 @@
<nav class="navMenu" role="navigation">
<li><a href="/bestiary/index.html">Bestiary</a></li>
<li><a href="/classes/index.html">Classes</a></li>
<li><a href="/gods/index.html">Gods</a></li>
<li class="hasSubMenu"><a href="/equipment/index.html" aria-haspopup="true">Equipment</a>
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@ -77,10 +123,8 @@
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name="<%= snakeCase(page.title) %>"
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<%- include('../functions') -%>
var menuLinksByOption = {
Basics: "/rules/basics.html",
Combat: "/rules/combat.html",
Adventuring: "/rules/adventuring.html",
Magic: "/rules/magic.html",
"Referees Only": "/rules/referees.html",
<h2 class="pageTitle rulesTitle">
href="/<%= page.path %>"
>Heroic Old-School Roleplaying</a>
<% if (!page.path.endsWith(`${page.subsection}/index.html`)) { -%>
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class="pageTitle-link pageTitle-sublink"
href="/<%= page.path %>"
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name="<%= snakeCase(page.title) %>"
><%= page.title %></a>
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<div class="rulesMenu">
<div class="rulesVersion">
Version 0.9.1 / 2023-04-22
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><%= key %></a>
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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
title: Astral Adventuring
description: Notes and rules for adventuring in the astral plane.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T15:10:00-05:00
date_upd: 2023-04-24T18:05:00-04:00
section: astral
content_type: feature
short_code: aa1
@ -13,23 +14,23 @@ short_code: aa1
1. Decide course: The players decide on their course of travel for the day.
2. Losing direction: The referee determines whether the party gets lost.
3. Wandering monsters: The referee makes checks as applicable.
4. Description: The referee describes the regions passed through and any sites of interest that the party comes across, asking players for their actions, as required. If monsters are encountered, follow the procedure described in Encounters.
5. End of day: The referee updates time records, with special attention spell durations.
3. Wandering creatures: The referee makes checks as applicable.
4. Description: The referee describes the regions passed through and any sites of interest that the party comes across, asking players for their actions, as required. If creatures are encountered, follow the procedure described in Encounters.
5. End of day: The referee updates time records, with special attention to spell durations.
### Astral Currents
Invisible flows of psychic energy that permeate and swirl around the astral plane.
**Creatures** - Can move up to 10x faster when moving with the current.
- Creatures move up to 10x faster when moving with the current (or faster).
**AstralJammers** - Ships designed to ride on these currents.
- Ships designed to ride on these currents are called **AstralJammers**.
### Calendar
As of last session, it is the **end of the 3rd phase of the 1st Aerday of Urtson-Nu, in year 5023 of the Common Astral Calendar**.
As of last session, it is the **middle of the 1st phase of the 1st Fyday of Urtson-Nu, in year 5023 of the Common Astral Calendar**.
- Each day on the astral plane is broken up into 3 phases of 24 hours (to keep the astral calendars in sync with the material planes).
- Each day on the astral plane is broken up into 3 phases of 24 astral-hours (to keep the astral calendars in sync with the material planes).
- There are 6 days in a week, 5 weeks in a month, 3 months in a season, and 4 season in a year.
- Each day is named after one of the elements:
- Urtday (Earth)
@ -47,33 +48,32 @@ As of last session, it is the **end of the 3rd phase of the 1st Aerday of Urtson
### Distance and Measurement
**Ranges**: Are measured in yards, instead of feet, which means they are tripled.
- Ranges are measured in yards, rather than feet (so **3x**).
- Areas of spell effects, blasts, etc. are still measured in feet.
- Movement rates:
- For creatures - measured in feet.
- For vessels - measured in yards.
**Movement rates**: Are still measured in feet.
### Chases
**Areas**: Of spell effects, breath weapons, etc. are also still measured in feet.
#### Evading
### Evasion and Pursuit
Evasion chance is determined by difference between the movement rates of the two sides’, listed in the table below.
#### Evasion
- **Success**: Pursuers lose track of fleeing side, can't catch up until next day (and only as a random encounter).
The chance of evasion is determined by the difference between the two sides’ movement rates, listed in the table below.
**Success**: If the evasion roll succeeds, the pursuers cannot attempt to catch up with the fleeing side until the next day, and then only if a random encounter roll indicates an encounter.
**Failure**: If the evasion roll fails, a pursuit occurs.
- **Failure**: Continue to **Pursuit**.
#### Pursuit
**Time**: Is measured in rounds.
**Initial distance**: The two sides begin a pursuit at normal encounter distance.
**Closing in**: The distance between the two sides decreases by the difference between their two movement rates each round (a minimum of 30’ per round).
- Time passes in rounds.
- Pursuit begins at normal encounter distance.
- Pursuing side closes in on fleeing side
- Distance between sides decreases by the difference between their movement rates (minimum 30' per round).
#### Astralborne Evasion
**By ship** - Use the same table, but replace feet with yards in the measurements speed.
- Vessel use the same table, replacing feet with yards in the measurements speed.
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ Thin streams of psychic "vapor", hundreds to thousands of miles across, which ap
### Surprise
Wandering astral monsters are not usually surprised by traveling vessels. Special circumstances (e.g. thick astral clouds, psychic storm) may alter this.
Wandering astral creatures are not usually surprised by traveling vessels. Special circumstances (e.g. thick astral clouds, psychic storm) may alter this.
### Temperature
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ The ambient temperature in the astral plane tends towards the tepid side for mos
**Frequency**: A check is typically rolled once every other day, but the referee may choose to make more checks (e.g. when near a port or outpost): up to 1 or 2 a day.
**Chance**: The chance of encountering a wandering monster is 1-in-6 in the deep astral, 2-in-6 near other ports or outposts.
**Chance**: The chance of encountering a wandering creature is 1-in-6 in the deep astral, 2-in-6 near other ports or outposts.
**Distance**: Wandering monsters are encountered 4d6 × 10 yards away. If either side is surprised (see Encounters), this is reduced to 1d4 × 10 yards.
**Distance**: Wandering creatures are encountered 4d6 × 10 yards away. If either side is surprised (see Encounters), this is reduced to 1d4 × 10 yards.
**Location**: Astral encounters may occur either in the open astral plane or on land (such as a fragment, island, or dock), if the party lands or docks at some point during the day.
@ -7,26 +7,38 @@ content_type: feature
short_code: af1
### Astral Trade Union
### Major Factions
#### Astral Trade Union
- Conglomerate of harbormasters, ship captains, and mining companies who control nearly all of the trade between certain ports.
- Control all of the trading between nearly 100 ports, including ones leading to dozens of material planes, multiple to each inner plane, and even a handful to various outer planes.
- Have excellent maps of all of the astral currents that run between these ports.
- Control all of the trading between nearly 100 ports, including ones leading to dozens of material planes, multiple to each elemental plane, and even a handful to various transcendental planes.
- This area is called the **Astral Trade Zone (ATZ)**
- Have excellent maps of all of the astral currents that run between affiliated ports.
### Drahki Federation
#### Drahki Federation
- Controlled by a race of dracokin from the world of Drahkenos, the so-called plane of dragons.
- Controlled by a race of dracokin from the world of Drahkenos, the eternal plane of dragons.
- Fly great ships made to look like their bigger cousins (called "dragonships")
- Generally peaceful traders
### Ghyffan Armada
#### Lyffan Armada
- Run by a militaristic race of musket-wielding hippokin from the material plane of Ghyffu.
- Report to the Ghyffan Sovereignty, the plane-wide government of Ghyffu.
- Enormous fleet of warships run by a militaristic race of musket-wielding elekin from the material plane of Lyffu.
- Report to the Lyffan Sovereignty, the plane-wide government of Lyffu.
- Strongly believe in the supremacy of law and civilization.
- Ships range from light cargo carriers to massive warships, but everything in the armada is armed.
### Society of Wanderers
#### Stral Empire
- Empire of ports ruled by a highly militaristic and decadent race of immortals, with sharp eyes, pointed ears, and no noses.
- Huge warships patrol the borders of the empire, which run near some Astral Trade Union-aligned ports.
- Also control the Forge, a massive smithing factory on the Plane of Fire.
- Served by a race of automatons called Forgelings, some of whom have escaped their masters and fled to ports aligned with one of the other factions.
### Minor Factions
#### Society of Wanderers
- Disparate, quasi-religious organization, with membership scattered about the planes.
- Refer to each other as "friends".
@ -34,24 +46,29 @@ short_code: af1
- Typically travel alone or in small groups.
- Don't usually have their own ships, so they often have to book passage (or stowe-away).
### Stral Empire
- Empire of ports ruled by a highly militaristic and decadant race of immortals, with sharp eyes, pointed ears, and no noses.
- Huge warships patrol the borders of the empire, which run near some Astral Trade Union-aligned ports.
- Also control the Forge, a massive smithing factory on the Plane of Fire.
- Served by a race of automatons called Forgelings, some of whom have escaped their masters and fled to ports aligned with one of the other factions.
### Pirates of Ataxia
- Led by (at least) 6 Pirate Lords (although some believe there are more).
- Responsible for nearly all of the piracy within this part of the astral plane.
- Come from all races and cultures.
### Relations
#### Astral Trade Union
- Are on good (trading) terms with both the _Drahki Federation_ and the _Ghyffan Armada_ (with some members of each also holding Union membership).
- Are on good (trading) terms with both the _Drahki Federation_ and the _Zhyffan Armada_ (with some members of each also holding Union membership).
- Think most of the _Society of Wanderers_ are hopeless layabouts, inadequately interested in commerce (although few ship captains will refuse their payment for passage).
- Are on tenuous terms with the _Stral Empire_ (they've had some trade, but also some border skirmishes).
- Actively seek the destruction of the _Pirates of Ataxia_ (even though some Union members occasionally double as pirates).
@ -59,37 +76,38 @@ short_code: af1
#### Drahki Federation
- Are on good (trading) terms with _Astral Trade Union_ (with some Drahki captains also being Union members).
- Are on decent (trading) terms with the _Ghyffan Armada_ (there have been a few isolated incidents of fighting between the groups, but they generally continue to trade).
- Are on decent (trading) terms with the _Zhyffan Armada_ (there have been a few isolated incidents of fighting between the groups, but they generally continue to trade).
- Don't understand the _Society of Wanderers_, but generally allow them to book passage on their ships.
- Are on deteriorating terms with the _Stral Empire_ (they've had an increasing number of border skirmishes).
- Try to avoid engaging with ships from the _Pirates of Ataxia_, who generally return the favor (although there are some Drahki pirates who try to only attack ships from the other factions).
#### Ghyffan Armada
#### Zhyffan Armada
- Are on good (trading) terms with _Astral Trade Union_ (with some Ghyffan captains also being Union members).
- Are on good (trading) terms with _Astral Trade Union_ (with some Zhyffan captains also being Union members).
- Are on decent (trading) terms with the _Drahki Federation_ (there have been a few isolated incidents of fighting between the groups, but they generally continue to trade).
- Don't understand (or like) the _Society of Wanderers_, and don't allow them on their ships.
- Are on deteriorating terms with the _Stral Empire_ (they've had an increasing number of border skirmishes).
- Actively seek the destruction of the _Pirates of Ataxia_ (although some Ghyffan ships have been known to turn pirate, abandoning the Armada and working for the Pirate Lords).
- Actively seek the destruction of the _Pirates of Ataxia_ (although some Zhyffan ships have been known to turn pirate, abandoning the Armada and working for the Pirate Lords).
#### Society of Wanderers
- Don't care for the leadership of the _Astral Trade Union_, but try to stay friendly with the ship captains.
- Don't understand most of the _Drahki Federation_, but are generally happy to book passage on their ships.
- Don't get along with the _Ghyffan Armada_, and generally avoid them.
- Don't get along with the _Zhyffan Armada_, and generally avoid them.
- Don't understand (or like) the _Stral Empire_, although a few Travellers have tried to engage with Stral crews (which hasn't ended well)
- Have many members who also work as _Pirates of Ataxia_, and don't generally preclude pirates from their ranks (although the pirate captains aren't always thrilled to have Wanderers on their ships).
#### Stral Empire
- Are on tenuous terms with the _Astral Trade Union_ (they've had some trade, but also some border skirmishes).
- Are on deteriorating terms with both the _Drahki Federation_ and the _Ghyffan Armada_ (they've had an increasing number of border skirmishes with each of them).
- Are on deteriorating terms with both the _Drahki Federation_ and the _Zhyffan Armada_ (they've had an increasing number of border skirmishes with each of them).
- Don't understand (or like) the _Society of Wanderers_, and don't allow them on their ships.
- Try to avoid engaging with ships from the _Pirates of Ataxia_, who generally return the favor (although they have had engagements in Stral territory).
#### Pirates of Ataxia
- Actively attack (and raid) the ships of the _Astral Trade Union_ and the _Ghyffan Armada_, occasionally even looting their ports.
- Actively attack (and raid) the ships of the _Astral Trade Union_ and the _Zhyffan Armada_, occasionally even looting their ports.
- Try to avoid engaging with ships working for the _Drahki Federation_, who generally return the favor (although there are some Drahki pirates who try to only attack ships from the other factions).
- Have many members who also identify as members of the _Society of Wanderers_, usually pirates of lower ranks (the ship captains aren't fond of having members in their crew because of the high number of stowe-aways).
- Try to avoid engaging with ships of the _Stral Empire_, who generally return the favor (although they have had a few engagements in within Stral territory).
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ short_code: a1
- [Adventuring](./adventuring.html)
- [Factions](./factions.html)
- [Monsters](/monsters/index.html)
- [Monsters](/bestiary/index.html)
- [Timeline](./timeline.html)
- [Vessels](./vessels.html)
@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
title: Astral Timeline
description: A timeline of trade and war in the astral plane.
date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:47:00-05:00
date_upd: 2023-04-24T18:05:00-04:00
section: astral
content_type: feature
short_code: at1
As of last session, it is the **end of the 3rd phase of the 1st Aerday of Urtson-Nu, in year 5023 of the Common Astral Calendar**.
As of last session, it is the **middle of the 1st phase of the 1st Fyday of Urtson-Nu, in year 5023 of the Common Astral Calendar**.
Below is a timeline of major events in (this section of) the astral plane:
@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ Fire energy bolts that function like magic missiles. Requires 2 common Eye Tyran
#### Rams
Can be used against ships or giant monsters. Small individuals cannot be targeted.
Can be used against ships or giant creatures. Small individuals cannot be targeted.
**Attack rolls**: Are made using a THAC0 of 19 [0] and occur at the same point in the combat sequence as missile fire.
**Attack modifiers**: May be applied for environmental conditions, manoeuvrability, etc.
**Large ships**: Deals 1d6+5 x 10 hull points damage against ships and 6d6 hit points damage against monsters.
**Large ships**: Deals 1d6+5 x 10 hull points damage against ships and 6d6 hit points damage against creatures.
**Small ships**: Deals 1d4+4 x 10 hull points damage against ships and 3d8 hit points damage against monsters.
**Small ships**: Deals 1d4+4 x 10 hull points damage against ships and 3d8 hit points damage against creatures.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: Astral Devourer
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mad
status: draft
A monstrous, worm-like creature, 25' in diameter and nearly 100' long, with an enormous, round mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, 3 eyes on stalks, 3 huge pincers, and armored plates on its skin.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 16+16 (88hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 23 |
| **Movement** | Fly 450' (Astral) |
| **Attacks** | 3 (+11) @ grab (1d4), 1 (auto) @ devour (2d8) |
| **Morale** | 7 |
| **Alignment** | Chaotic |
| **XP** | 1,350 |
**Magical Eyes** - Can use either of the following each round:
- **Antimagic Cone**
- **Fear Gaze**
**Grab** - When grabbed, the victim is held in place and can be automatically devoured starting the next round.
**Devour** - Each round, if a creature has been grabbed by a pincer, the longest held creature is automatically thrown into its mouth and devoured, dealing 2d8 damage, before being swallowed.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: Whale, Astral
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: maw
status: draft
Gargantuan whales up to 170’ long that roam the astral plane.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 36 (234hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 13 |
| **Movement** | Float 60’ |
| **Attacks** | 1 (+14) @ bite (3d20) or ram (6d6 hull damage) |
| **Morale** | 7 |
| **Alignment** | Neutral |
| **XP** | 6,250 |
**Riders** - 50% chance to have 1d20 riders.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
title: Cleric (Creature)
description: The cleric creature for OSR gaming.
date_pub: 2023-04-23T18:42:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mcc
Holy (or unholy) warrior-priests on a quest for their deity.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| **Hit Dice** | 1 (4hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 17 (plate) |
| **Movement** | 20' |
| **Attacks** | 1 @ mace (1d6) |
| **Attack Modifier** | 0 |
| **Alignment** | Any |
| **Save As** | [Cleric](/classes/cleric.html#advancement) |
| **Morale** | 7 |
- **Leader**: Groups of 4+ are led by a higher level priest or cleric (1d4 HD higher). Roll or determine spells as needed.
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| HD | HP | AC | MV | Atk Mod | Damage | Morale |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-----: | :----: | :----: |
| 3 | 13 | 17 | 20' | +1 | 1d6 | 8 |
| 5 | 22 | 18 | 20' | +2 | 1d6+1 | 8 |
| 7 | 31 | 19 | 30' | +3 | 1d6+1 | 9 |
| 9 | 40 | 19 | 30' | +4 | 1d6+1 | 10 |
| 11 | 49 | 20 | 30' | +6 | 1d6+2 | 11 |
| 13 | 58 | 20 | 40' | +8 | 1d6+2 | 12 |
[Higher-Level Clerics]
#### Short Stat Blocks
> HD 1 (4 hp), AC 17; MV 20'; Atk 1 (0) @ 1d6 (mace); AL Any; ML 7
> HD 3 (13 hp), AC 17; MV 20'; Atk 1 (+1) @ 1d6 (mace); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 5 (22 hp), AC 18; MV 20'; Atk 1 (+2) @ 1d6+1 (mace); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 7 (31 hp), AC 19; MV 30'; Atk 1 (+3) @ 1d6+1 (mace); AL Any; ML 9
> HD 9 (40 hp), AC 19; MV 30'; Atk 1 (+4) @ 1d6+1 (mace); AL Any; ML 10
> HD 11 (49 hp), AC 20; MV 30'; Atk 1 (+6) @ 1d6+2 (mace); AL Any; ML 11
> HD 13 (58 hp), AC 20; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+8) @ 1d6+2 (mace); AL Any; ML 12
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: Commoner
description: The commoner creature for OSR gaming.
date_pub: 2023-04-23T18:21:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mcm
One of the common people (artists, beggars, children, craftspeople, farmers, fishermen, housewives, scholars, slaves, etc.).
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ------------------- | ---------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 2hp |
| **Armor Class** | 10 (clothes) |
| **Movement** | 40' |
| **Attacks** | 1 (-1) @ 1d2 or weapon |
| **Attack Modifier** | 0 |
| **Alignment** | Any, usually lawful |
| **Saving Throws** | D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 |
| **Morale** | 6 |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
title: Corsair (Creature)
description: The corsair (sailor) creature for OSR gaming.
date_pub: 2023-04-23T18:44:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bcr
A skilled sailor, be it on the seas, in the air, or on the astral plane. Usually part of a crew.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 1d6 (3hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 13 (leather) |
| **Movement** | 40' |
| **Attacks** | 1 @ weapon (1d6) |
| **Attack Modifier** | 0 |
| **Alignment** | Any |
| **Save As** | [Corsair](/classes/corsair.html#advancement) |
| **Morale** | 7 |
- **Leaders** - Depend on number of corsairs or ships:
- For every 40 corsairs, and for each ship, there is a 1d4+4 HD captain.
- For every 100 corsairs, and for each fleet, there is an 1d4+5 HD admiral.
- For a fleet of 300+ corsairs, there is an 1d4+9 HD lord, with a 75% chance of being accompanied by a spell caster (level 1d4+7).
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| HD | HP | AC | Atk Mod | Damage | Morale |
| :--: | :-: | :-: | :-----: | :----: | :----: |
| 3d6 | 10 | 14 | +1 | 1d6 | 7 |
| 5d6 | 17 | 14 | +2 | 1d6+1 | 8 |
| 7d6 | 24 | 15 | +4 | 1d6+1 | 8 |
| 9d6 | 31 | 15 | +6 | 1d6+1 | 9 |
| 11d6 | 38 | 16 | +8 | 1d6+2 | 9 |
| 13d6 | 45 | 17 | +10 | 1d6+2 | 10 |
[Higher-Level Corsais]
#### Short Stat Blocks
> HD 1-1 (3 hp), AC 13; MV 40'; Atk 1 (0) @ 1d6 (weapon); AL Any; ML 7
> HD 3-3 (10 hp), AC 14; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+1) @ 1d6 (weapon); AL Any; ML 7
> HD 5-5 (17 hp), AC 14; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+2) @ 1d6+1 (weapon); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 7-7 (24 hp), AC 15; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+4) @ 1d6+1 (weapon); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 9-9 (31 hp), AC 15; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+6) @ 1d6+1 (weapon); AL Any; ML 9
> HD 11-11 (38 hp), AC 16; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+8) @ 1d6+2 (weapon); AL Any; ML 9
> HD 13-13 (45 hp), AC 17; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+10) @ 1d6+2 (weapon); AL Any; ML 10
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Black Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-09T23:12:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdcb
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Blue Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-09T23:12:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdcu
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Green Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdcg
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Red Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdcr
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: White Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdcw
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: Amethyst Dragon
description: Information about Amethyst Dragons.
date_pub: 2023-04-10T22:43:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdra
[Crystalline dragons](./index.html) that lair at the top of glacial ridges and snowy peaks, or in the astral plane.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 8\*\* (36hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 19 |
| **Attacks** | 2(+7) @ claw (1d6) & 1(+7) @ bite (3d8), or breath |
| **Movement** | 30' / 80' flying / 300' astral |
| **Saving Throws** | D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8) |
| **Morale** | 9 |
| **Alignment** | Neutral |
| **XP** | 1,750 |
- Has multiple [breath weapons](../index.html#breath-weapon):
- 90’ long line of cold (damage equal to dragon’s current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half damage), and
- cloud of charming gas (**Save vs Blasts** or be charmed for 1d6 turns).
- 40% chance can speak and cast 1d3 1st level spells and 1d3 2nd level spells.
- 30% chance of sleeping.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
title: Emerald Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T22:52:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdce
status: hidden
[Crystalline dragons](./index.html) that live on isolated peaks and the astral plane.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 9\*\* (40hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 20 |
| **Attacks** | 2(+7) @ claw (1d6) & 1(+7) @ bite (3d8), or breath |
| **Movement** | 30' / 80' flying / 300' astral |
| **Saving Throws** | D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (9) |
| **Morale** | 9 |
| **Alignment** | Neutral |
| **XP** | 2,300 |
- Has multiple [breath weapons](../index.html#breath-weapon):
- 60’ long cone of acid (damage equal to dragon’s current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half damage), and
- cloud of confusion gas (**Save vs Blasts** or be catatonic for 2d4 turns).
- 50% chance can speak and cast 1d4 1st level spells and 1d4 2nd level spells.
- 20% chance of sleeping.
- Can assume the form of an animal.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: Crystalline Dragons
date_pub: 2023-04-09T18:34:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mdr
status: hidden
A subclass of [dragons](../index.html) with shimmering scales, multiple breath weapons, and a roar that can open a portal to the astral plane.
### Types of Crystalline Dragons
- [Amethyst](./amethyst-dragon.html)
- [Emerald](./emerald-dragon.html)
- [Onyx](./onyx-dragon.html)
- [Ruby](./ruby-dragon.html)
- [Topaz](./topaz-dragon.html)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: Onyx Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T22:56:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdro
status: hidden
[Crystalline dragons](./index.html) that dwell deep underground and in the astral plane.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 6\*\* (27hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 17 |
| **Attacks** | 2(+5) @ claw (1d4) & 1(+5) @ bite (2d8), or breath |
| **Movement** | 30' / 80' flying / 300' astral |
| **Saving Throws** | D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6) |
| **Morale** | 8 |
| **Alignment** | Chaotic |
| **XP** | 725 |
- Has multiple [breath weapons](../index.html#breath-weapon):
- cloud of chlorine gas (damage equal to dragon’s current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half damage), and
- cloud of fear gas (**Save vs Blasts** or flee for 1d4 turns).
- 20% chance can speak and cast 1d3 1st level spells.
- 50% chance of sleeping.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
title: Ruby Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T23:01:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdrr
status: hidden
[Crystalline dragons](./index.html) that lair in dormant volcanoes and the astral plane.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 10\*\* (45hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 21 |
| **Attacks** | 2(+8) @ claw (1d6) & 1(+8) @ bite (4d8), or breath |
| **Movement** | 30' / 80' flying / 300' astral |
| **Saving Throws** | D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10) |
| **Morale** | 10 |
| **Alignment** | Neutral |
| **XP** | 2,300 |
- Has multiple [breath weapons](../index.html#breath-weapon):
- 100’ long line of fire (damage equal to dragon’s current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half damage), and
- cloud of antimagic gas (ends all spells of non-instantaneous duration, as if Dispel Magic has been cast).
- 90% chance can speak and cast 1d3 1st level spells, 1d3 2nd level spells, and 1d3 3rd level spells.
- 10% chance of sleeping.
- Can assume the form of an animal or humanoid.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: Topaz Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T22:36:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdrt
status: hidden
[Crystalline dragons](./index.html) that live along rocky seacoasts or in the astral plane.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 7\*\* (31hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 18 |
| **Attacks** | 2(+6) @ claw (1d4+1) & 1(+6) @ bite (3d6), or breath |
| **Movement** | 30' / 80' flying / 300' astral |
| **Saving Throws** | D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7) |
| **Morale** | 8 |
| **Alignment** | Lawful |
| **XP** | 1,250 |
- Has multiple [breath weapons](../index.html#breath-weapon):
- 70’ long cone of lightning (damage equal to dragon’s current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half damage), and
- cloud of sleep gas (**Save vs Blasts** or fall asleep for 4d4 turns).
- 30% chance can speak and cast 1d4 1st level spells.
- 40% chance of sleeping.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Diamond Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdd
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: Dragons
description: Information about Dragons.
date_pub: 2023-04-09T18:34:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: md1
Huge, proud, flying lizards with massive wings and the ability to spew one or more types of attack from their mouths.
- Come in various subtypes including chromatic, metallic, and [crystalline](./crystalline/index.html).
- Always lead with breath weapon for attack.
- Chance of sleeping determined by subspecies, +2 to attack while sleeping.
- Will surrender if subdued (reduced to 0 hp by nonlethal attacks).
- Based on age, size could vary by up to 3 HD.
### Breath Weapon
- Can be used up to 3x per day.
- All caught in area take damage equal to dragon's current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half.
- Shapes:
- **Cloud** - 50’ long, 40’ wide, 20’ high.
- **Cone** - 2’ wide at the mouth, 30’ wide at far end.
- **Line** - 5’ wide along whole length.
- Immune to their own breath weapon, automatically save vs related attacks.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: Brass Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdmb
status: draft
[Metallic dragons](./index.html) that lair in deserts and other dry or sandy regions.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| **Hit Dice** | 7\*\* (31hp) |
| **Armor Class** | 18 |
| **Attacks** | 2(+6) @ claw (1d4+1) & 1(+7) @ bite (3d8), or breath |
| **Movement** | 30' / 80' flying |
| **Saving Throws** | D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7) |
| **Morale** | 8 |
| **Alignment** | Neutral |
| **XP** | 1,250 |
- Has multiple [breath weapons](../index.html#breath-weapon):
- 70’ long cone of sleep gas (**Save vs Blasts** or sleep for 4d4 turns), and
- cloud of fear gas (**Save vs Blasts** or flee in terror for 1d3 turns).
- 20% chance can speak and cast 1d4 1st level spells.
- 40% chance of sleeping.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Bronze Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdmz
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Copper Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdmc
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Gold Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdmg
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Metallic Dragons
date_pub: 2023-04-18T21:55:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: mdm
status: draft
A subclass of [dragons](../index.html) with shining scales, multiple breath weapons, and an affinity for Law.
### Types of Metallic Dragons
- [Brass](./brass-dragon.html)
- [Bronze](./bronze-dragon.html)
- [Copper](./copper-dragon.html)
- [Gold](./gold-dragon.html)
- [Silver](./silver-dragon.html)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Silver Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdms
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Multichromatic Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdl
status: draft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Platinum Dragon
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-04-10T21:15:00-04:00
section: bestiary
content_type: feature
short_code: bdp
status: draft
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