ADDED simple PWA support. REMOVED development `base_uri`. UPDATED to v0.2.0.
986 B
The Wonder Dome
This website serves as a tiny, little source of information about a specific tiny, little server sitting in a tiny, little house nestled in a tiny, little suburb of Charlotte, NC, USA, Earth.
You can see this site at:
Requires: git, Node, Gulp, and a static web server (we recommend nginx).
Clone from the git repo:
git clone wonderdome
Go into the directory for the site:
cd wonderdome
Install the required NPM libraries:
npm install
Put the site's base URI in a file called
(or copy the supplied one, based on your chosen environment):cp base_uri.production base_uri
Build the site
gulp build
The build command will output to the
directory. -
Point the web server to the
directory. -
Share and enjoy!