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title: Camp Happy Island Massacre
description: Eric's first (and only) computer game, a comedy-horror text game for the DOS operating system.
date_pub: 2018-10-10T19:07:00-04:00
license: CC0
section: games
subsection: chim
content_type: feature
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In 1997, I released my first (and, so far, only) computer game, **Camp Happy Island Massacre**, a comedy-horror text game for the DOS operating system. Originally written while I was still in college, the game is about a cursed summer camp and the 3 surviving counselors who try to stop a horrific force before it claims them.
If you have a functional DOS machine (or an emulator, like [DOSBox](, you can download the game in a [ZIP file](/files/chim/, which contains the following files:
+ [`CHIM.EXE`](/files/chim/chim.exe) *(the main executable file)*
+ [`CHIM.FAQ`](/files/chim/chim.faq) *(list of frequently asked questions)*
+ [`FILE_ID.DIZ`](/files/chim/file_id.diz) *(ZIP file descriptor)*
+ [`INTRO.TXT`](/files/chim/intro.txt) *(the intro screen)*
+ [`LICENSE.TXT`](/files/chim/license.txt) *(the distribution license)*
+ [`MAP.TXT`](/files/chim/map.txt) *(a text map of the island)*
And now, thanks to [DOSBox](, [Emscripten](, and their unholy lovechild, [JS-DOS](, you can play **Camp Happy Island Massacre** in your browser:
<div id="jsChimDb"></div>
<button class="btnFullscreen" onclick="chim_db.requestFullScreen();">Open in Fullscreen</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js-dos-api.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var chim_db = new Dosbox({
id: "jsChimDb",
onload: function (chim_db) {"/chim/", "./CHIM.EXE");
onrun: function (chim_db, app) {
console.log("App '" + app + "' is running!");