var // gulp gulp = require('gulp'), cleancss = require('gulp-clean-css'), concat = require('gulp-concat'), frontmatter = require('gulp-front-matter'), imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'), newer = require('gulp-newer'), rename = require('gulp-rename'), // components del = require('del'), ejs = require('ejs'), fs = require('fs'), md = require('markdown-it')({ html: true, xhtmlOut: true, linkify: true, typographer: true }), path = require('path'), pump = require('pump'), seq = require('run-sequence'), through = require('through2'), // config site = require('./site.json'), pkg = require('./package.json'), // variables dest_dir = 'www', css_src_dir = 'assets/styles', js_src_dir = 'assets/scripts', pages_src_dir = 'content/pages', support_src_dir = 'content/support', // functions readFileIfExists = function (file_path){ try { return fs.readFileSync(file_path, {encoding: 'utf8'}); } catch(err) { if (err.code == 'ENOENT') return undefined; throw err; } }, collectPages = function(base_path) { var fm = require('front-matter'), pages = [], tags = []; return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { var data = fm.test(file.contents.toString()) ? fm(file.contents.toString()) : {}, contents = data && data.body ? data.body : file.contents.toString(), page =, name = file.path.replace(file.base,''); if (data && data.attributes) { Object.assign(data.attributes, page) } page.content = contents; page.path = file.path.replace(base_path, ''); page.path = page.path.substring(0, page.path.lastIndexOf('.')) + '.html'; = page.path.substring(page.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, page.path.lastIndexOf('.')); if (file.path.endsWith('.md')) { page.content = md.render(contents); } else if (file.path.endsWith('ejs')) { page.content = ejs.render(contents, page, {}); } pages.push(page); if (page.tags) { page.tags.split(' ').forEach(function (tag) { if (tags.indexOf(tag) == -1) { tags.push(tag); } }); } this.push(file); cb(); }, function (cb) { if (site.pages) { site.pages = site.pages.concat(pages); } else { site.pages = pages; } if (site.tags) { site.tags = site.tags.concat(tags.filter(function (item) { return tags.indexOf(item) < 0; })); } else { site.tags = tags; } cb(); }); }, applyMarkdown = function() { return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { file.contents = new Buffer(md.render(file.contents.toString()), 'utf8'); this.push(file); cb(); }); }, applyTemplate = function (template_file) { // read template_file into a string // pass string to ejs.render var filename = path.join(__dirname, template_file), options = { "filename": filename }, template_str = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'), tpl = ejs.compile(template_str, options); return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { var name = file.path.replace(file.base,''), data = { name: name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')), site: site, page:, content: file.contents.toString() }; file.contents = new Buffer(tpl(data), 'utf8'); this.push(file); cb(); }); }, readJson = function () { return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { var data = readFileIfExists(path.join(path.dirname(file.path), path.basename(file.path)) + '.json'); if (data !== undefined) { = JSON.parse(data); } this.push(file); cb(); }); }, parseEJS = function(){ return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { var data = { site: site, page: }; file.contents = new Buffer(ejs.render(file.contents.toString(), data, {})); this.push(file); cb(); }); }, buildSupportFiles = function() { var dest = dest_dir; console.log('Building Support Files...'); return gulp .src(path.join(support_src_dir,'**/*.ejs')) .pipe(parseEJS()) .pipe(rename({ extname: '' })) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); } ; site.time = new Date(); site.base_uri = (readFileIfExists('./base_uri') || '').trim(); site.version = pkg.version; gulp .task('default', function() { // place code for your default task here }) // start with the files from the old web site .task('css', function() { var dest = path.join(dest_dir,'styles'); console.log('Concat & cache-bust CSS'); return gulp // set source (src/**/*.css) .src(path.join(css_src_dir,'*.css')) // write to site..css .pipe(concat('styles.' + pkg.version + '.css')) // write to dest/content .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); }) .task('files', function(){ var dest = path.join(dest_dir,'files'); console.log('Copy files'); return gulp .src('assets/files/*') .pipe(newer(dest)) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); }) .task('fonts', function(){ var dest = path.join(dest_dir,'fonts'); console.log('Copy fonts'); return gulp .src('assets/fonts/**') .pipe(newer(dest)) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); }) .task('images', function(){ var dest = path.join(dest_dir,'images'); console.log('Compress, cache and copy images'); return gulp .src('assets/images/**/*') .pipe(newer(dest)) .pipe(imagemin({ optimizationLevel: 3 })) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); }) .task('js', function (cb) { var dest = path.join(dest_dir,'scripts'); console.log('Cache-bust JS'); pump([ // set source gulp.src(path.join(js_src_dir,'*.js')), // write to scripts..js concat(`scripts.${pkg.version}.js`), // write to dest gulp.dest(dest) ], cb ); }) .task('pages:md', function () { var dest = dest_dir; console.log('Building Pages (MD)...'); return gulp .src(path.join(pages_src_dir,'**/*.md')) .pipe(frontmatter({ property: 'page', remove: true })) .pipe(collectPages(path.join(process.cwd(), pages_src_dir))) .pipe(applyMarkdown()) .pipe(applyTemplate('./templates/default.ejs')) .pipe(rename({extname: '.html'})) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); }) .task('pages:ejs', function () { var dest = dest_dir; console.log('Building Pages (EJS)...'); return gulp .src(path.join(pages_src_dir,'**/*.ejs')) .pipe(frontmatter({ property: 'page', remove: true })) .pipe(collectPages(path.join(process.cwd(), pages_src_dir))) .pipe(parseEJS()) .pipe(applyTemplate('./templates/default.ejs')) .pipe(rename({ extname: '.html' })) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); }) .task('support', buildSupportFiles) .task('pages', function() { seq( 'pages:md', 'pages:ejs' ); }) .task('build', [ 'css', 'files', 'fonts', 'images', 'js', 'pages' ], buildSupportFiles) .task('clean', function () { var dest = dest_dir; return del([ dest ]); }) .task('watch', function() {, ['css']);, ['js']);, ['pages']);, ['support']); }) .task('test', function (cb) { var dest = dest_dir; console.log('Testing...'); pump([ gulp.src('content/pages/**/*.md'), (function(){ return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { var file_name = file.path.replace(file.base,''); console.log(JSON.stringify(file_name.substring(0, file_name.lastIndexOf('.')), null, 2)); cb(); }); })() ], cb ); }) ;