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var cwd = (process && process.cwd) ? process.cwd() : '';
var titleLink = (site && site.base_uri) ? site.base_uri : '/';
const { entriesToList, pageCount, pageNum, tag } = page;
<%- include('partials/top') %>
<body class='postMainIndex'>
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<h1 class="siteTitle"><a href="<%= titleLink %>" class="siteTitle-link"><%= site.title %></a></h1>
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<main id="content" class="pageMain pageSection">
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<%- include('partials/embed_switch') -%>
<%- include('functions') -%>
<% if (page.title && (page.render_opts || '').indexOf('no_title') == -1) { -%>
Journal Entries By Tag: <a
class="boxLink isCurrent"
href="<%= page.path %>"
id="<%= snakeCase(page.title) %>"
name="<%= snakeCase(page.title) %>"
>#<%= tag -%></a>
<% if (pageCount > 1) { -%>
(Page <%= pageNum %> of <%= pageCount %>)
<% } -%>
Assorted journal entries with the tag <em>#<%= tag %></em>.
<hr class="feedLine">
<% } -%>
<% if (content && Array.isArray(entriesToList)) { -%>
<% entriesToList.forEach((page) => { -%>
<article class="update journal h-entry js-update">
<div class="p-author author h-card vcard authorHidden">
<% if (page.author && page.author.site && page.author.name) { -%>
<% if (page.author.photo) { -%>
<a href="<%= page.author.site %>"><img class="u-photo" src="<%= page.author.photo %>"></a>
<% } -%>
<a class="p-name fn u-url url" rel="author" href="<%= page.author.site %>"><%= page.author.name %></a>
<% } else if (site.author && site.author.site && site.author.name) { -%>
<% if (site.author.photo) { -%>
<a href="<%= site.author.site %>"><img class="u-photo" src="<%= site.author.photo %>"></a>
<% } -%>
<a class="p-name fn u-url url" rel="author" href="<%= site.author.site %>"><%= site.author.name %></a>
<% } -%>
<h3 id="<%= snakeCase(page.title) %>" >
<a class="p-name u-url" href="/<%= page.path %>"><%= page.title %></a>
<% if (page.tldr || page.description) { -%>
<p><i>TL;DR &mdash; <%- page.tldr || page.description %></i></p>
<% } -%>
<% if (page.readTime) { -%>
<p class="journal readTime">
<span class="icon glasses-icon">&#x1f453;</span> <%= page.readTime %>
<% } -%>
<% if (page.content) { -%>
<div class="e-content">
<%- page.content %>
<% } -%>
<footer class="update-footer clearfix">
<% if (Array.isArray(page?.tags) && page.tags.length) { -%>
<div class="update-tags">
<span class="icon folder-icon">&#x1f4c1;</span>
<% page.tags.forEach((tag, index) => { -%>
<%= index > 0 ? ' / ' : '' %>
<a href="/journal/tags/<%= tag %>/index.html">
#<span class="p-category category"><%= tag %></span>
<% }) -%>
<% } -%>
<span class="update-citation">[iew.us q/1g0k2]
<a class="u-shortlink" type="text/html" rel="shortlink" href="https://iew.us/q/1g0k2">&#128279;</a>
<a rel="bookmark" href="/<%= page.path %>" class="u-url update-footer-link update-footer-time">
<time datetime="<%= page.date_pub %>"
class="dt-published published js-pubDate pubDate"
><%= prettyDate(page.date_pub) %></time>
<p class="backLink">
<a class="backLink-link" href="#top">Top</a>
<hr class="feedLine">
<% }) -%>
<% } -%>
<%- include('partials/pageMenu') %>
<!-- END TAG PAGE -->
<%- include('partials/journal/menusub') %>
<%- include('partials/bio') %>
<%- include('partials/footer') %>
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