const { exists } = require("fs-extra/lib/fs"); module.exports = async (config) => { const { promises: fs } = require("fs"), fse = require("fs-extra"), path = require("path"), ejs = require("ejs"), frontMatter = require("front-matter"), glob = require("glob"), dictionary = { "/astral/vessels.html": ["vessel", "vessels"], "/campaign/timeline.html": ["last session"], "": ["stronghold"], "/astral/timeline.html": ["CAC", "BAC", "Common Astral Calendar"], "/astral/adventuring.html#portals": ["portal", "portals"], "/astral/adventuring.html#outposts": ["outpost", "outposts"], "/astral/adventuring.html#fragments": ["island", "islands"], }, { build, isRebuild, logFunction: log = () => {}, site } = config || {}, { outputPath, journalsPerPage = 5, srcPath } = build, md = require("markdown-it")({ html: true, linkify: true, typographer: true, xhtmlOut: true, }) .use(require("markdown-it-anchor").default) .use(require("markdown-it-table-of-contents"), { containerHeaderHtml: '
', includeLevel: [2, 3, 4], }) .use(require("markdown-it-footnote")) .use(require("markdown-it-multimd-table"), { multiline: true, rowspan: true, headerless: true, multibody: true, autolabel: true, }) .use(require("markdown-it-emoji")) .use(require("markdown-it-mark")) .use( require("markdown-it-include"), path.join(srcPath, "assets", "fragments") ) /* .use(require("markdown-it-auto-crosslinker"), { dictionary, }) */ .use(require("markdown-it-implicit-figures"), { dataType: true, figcaption: true, tabindex: true, lazyLoading: true, link: true, }), copyAssets = async (directory) => { const assets = await fs.readdir(directory); assets.forEach(async (asset) => { // we no longer merge scripts and styles, thanks to http/2's parallel file handling if (asset === "_root") { fse.copy(path.join(srcPath, "assets", asset), outputPath); } else { fse.copy( path.join(srcPath, "assets", asset), path.join(outputPath, asset) ); } }); }, getReadTime = (text) => { const WPM = 275, fixedString = text.replace(/[^\w\s]+/g, ""), count = fixedString.split(/\s+/).length; if (count < WPM) return "less than 1 minute"; else return `${Math.ceil(count / WPM)} minutes`; }, tagSorter = (a, b) => a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()), parseFile = (file, pagePath, siteData, isSupport) => { const { dir, ext, name } = path.parse(file) || {}, hasExt = name.indexOf(".") > -1, destPath = path.join(outputPath, dir), filePath = path.join(pagePath, file), // read page file data = fse.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8"), info = fse.statSync(filePath, "utf-8"), // render page { attributes, body } = frontMatter(data), { content_type: contentType, tags: originalTags = [] } = attributes, // TODO: Look for tags in posts as well, link to them, and add them to tag pages tags = typeof originalTags === "string" ? originalTags.split(/\W+/) : [].concat(originalTags), innerTags = ( contentType === "journal" ? body.match(/\b#(\w+)/g) || [] : [] ).map((val) => val.replace("#", "")), allTags = [...tags, ...innerTags].sort(tagSorter), updatedBody = contentType === "journal" ? allTags.reduce( (acc, tag) => acc.replace( `#${tag}`, ` #${tag} ` ), body ) : body; return { ...config, page: { name, ...attributes, date_upd: attributes?.date_pub !== info.mtime ? info.mtime : '', body: updatedBody, destPath, filePath, path: path.join(dir, hasExt ? name : `${name}.html`), tags: [...tags, ...innerTags].sort(tagSorter), ext, }, site: {, pages: isSupport ? siteData : [], }, }; }, parseContent = (page, siteData) => { const { body, content_type: contentType, filePath, // tags, } = page || {}, { ext } = path.parse(filePath) || {}, { pages, tags } = siteData || {}; let content = body, readTime; if (ext === ".md") { if (contentType === "journal" && typeof body === "string") { readTime = getReadTime(body); } content = md.render(body); } else if (ext === ".ejs") { content = ejs.render( body, { page, site: {, pages, tags } }, { filename: filePath } ); } return {, content, readTime }; }, renderFile = async (page, isSupport) => { const { content, destPath, layout, path: pagePath, pages, siteTags, tags, } = page || {}; try { const layoutFileName = `${srcPath}/layouts/${ layout || "default" }.ejs`, layoutData = await fs.readFile(layoutFileName, "utf-8"), completePage = isSupport ? content : ejs.render(layoutData, { content, page, site: {, pages, tags: page.content_type === "journal" ? siteTags : tags, }, filename: layoutFileName, }); if (!completePage) { console.log("failed!", pagePath, content); return; } // create destination directory fse.mkdirsSync(destPath); // save the html file fse.writeFileSync( path.join(outputPath, pagePath), completePage ); } catch (e) { console.log("failed!", pagePath); console.log("paths", destPath, outputPath); console.error(e); return; } }; // md.use(emoji); log(`${isRebuild ? "Reb" : "B"}uilding...`); // clear destination folder fse.emptyDirSync(outputPath); // copy assets folder await copyAssets(path.join(srcPath, "assets")); const files = ["pages", "sitePosts"].reduce((acc, pageDir) => { return [ ...acc, ...glob .sync("**/*.@(md|ejs|html)", { cwd: path.join(srcPath, pageDir), }) .map((file) => parseFile(file, path.join(srcPath, pageDir)) ), ]; }, []), sortByPubDate = (a, b) => { if (a.date_pub && b.date_pub) { let a_dt = new Date(a.date_pub).getTime(), b_dt = new Date(b.date_pub).getTime(); if (a_dt < b_dt) { return 1; } if (b_dt < a_dt) { return -1; } return 0; } if (a.date_pub) return -1; if (b.date_pub) return 1; return 0; }, pages = files .map(({ page }) => ({ })) .filter(({ is_draft = false }) => !is_draft) .filter(({ status }) => status !== "draft") .sort(sortByPubDate), tagCloud = pages.reduce((acc, curr) => { const { tags } = curr; tags.forEach((tag) => { if (acc[tag]) acc[tag]++; else acc[tag] = 1; }); return acc; }, {}), tags = Object.keys(tagCloud).sort(tagSorter), yearCloud = pages .filter(({ content_type = "" }) => content_type === "journal") .reduce((acc, curr) => { const { date_pub } = curr; if (date_pub) { const year = new Date(date_pub).getFullYear(); if (acc[year]) acc[year]++; else acc[year] = 1; } return acc; }, {}), years = Object.keys(yearCloud).sort().reverse(), pagesWithContent = => parseContent(page, { pages, tags }) ); // add data for the whole site to each page as it's rendered pagesWithContent.forEach((page) => { renderFile({, pages: pagesWithContent, siteTags: tags }); }); /* Journal Stuff - Tags & Years */ // make page(s) for each tag tags.forEach((tag) => { // check counts let postCount = tagCloud[tag], pageCount = Math.ceil(postCount / journalsPerPage); for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) { const firstEntryIndex = journalsPerPage * (i - 1), lastEntryIndex = journalsPerPage * i; renderFile({ content: tag, destPath: path.join(outputPath, "journal", "tags", tag), entriesToList: pagesWithContent .filter( (p) => p && Array.isArray(p.tags) && p.tags.includes(tag) ) .slice(firstEntryIndex, lastEntryIndex), layout: "tag", path: `journal/tags/${tag}/${ i === 1 ? "index.html" : `page${i}.html` }`, site: {, pages: pagesWithContent, tags }, pageCount, pageNum: i, pages: pagesWithContent, tag, tags, title: `Journal Entries Tagged with #${tag}`, }); } }); // make page(s) for each year years.forEach((year) => { // check counts let postCount = yearCloud[year], pageCount = Math.ceil(postCount / journalsPerPage); for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) { const firstEntryIndex = journalsPerPage * (i - 1), lastEntryIndex = journalsPerPage * i; console.log("config", config); // TODO: rethink the data passed in here - you're paging solution works (kinda), take it over the finish line! renderFile({ content: year, destPath: path.join(outputPath, "journal", year), entriesToList: pagesWithContent .filter(({ content_type = "", date_pub = "" }) => { if (!date_pub || content_type !== "journal") return false; const p_dt = new Date(date_pub).getTime(), y1_dt = new Date( `${year}-01-01T00:00:00-0500` ).getTime(), y2_dt = new Date( `${year}-12-31T23:59:59-0500` ).getTime(); return p_dt >= y1_dt && p_dt <= y2_dt; }) .slice(firstEntryIndex, lastEntryIndex), layout: "journal-year", path: `journal/${year}/${ i === 1 ? "index.html" : `page${i}.html` }`, site: {, pages: pagesWithContent, tags }, pageCount, pageNum: i, pages: pagesWithContent, tags, title: `Journal Entries from ${year}`, year, }); } }); /* Support pages - anything too weird / specific for markdown rendering */ // collect support pages const support = ["support"].reduce((acc, pageDir) => { return [ ...acc, ...glob .sync("**/*.@(md|ejs|html)", { cwd: path.join(srcPath, pageDir), }) .map((file) => parseFile( file, path.join(srcPath, pageDir), pagesWithContent, true ) ), ]; }, []); // write each one out support.forEach((fileData) => { const { page } = fileData; if (page?.ext === ".ejs") { const pageAndContent = parseContent(page, { pages: pagesWithContent, tags, }); return renderFile({ ...fileData, ...pageAndContent, tags }, true); } return renderFile(fileData, true); }); };