--- title: NPCs of Note description: NPCs the party has met on their adventures. date_pub: 2023-02-19T20:47:00-05:00 section: npcs content_type: feature short_code: n1 --- ### Sapphire Cove #### Lord Stengar Muziv - Harbormaster - Human noble - Goal: political movement, more power - Attitude: spinning lots of plates, flies off the handle at Fenwick when he screws up (and sometimes when he doesn't). #### Zohar, Keeper of the Obelisk - Cleric of Phoris - Chatty and personable, but not always as devoted as he should be. #### Amaryllis (Amary), the Alchemist - Runs the Magic Shop - And pretty and polite (but bored) female human - Smarter than she looks - Seems to be developing a relationship with Segu. - Took the demonic scroll from Segu to destory it. - Claims to be able to muster a "Wziard Army". #### Fenwick C. Fizzlebell - Harbormaster's Assistant / Secretary - Fussy gnome dressed all in yellow - Always appears to be in over his head - Constantly apologizing for his failure, looks at the ground #### Rocky - Fenwick's living statue - Exquisitely carved statue of human male - Apparently mute - Also serves as Fenwick's transportation and muscle #### Unkhlar Thildison - Dwarven blacksmith - Thin and kinda shifty, with short copper hair and green eyes. - Has a pet spider named Therva that occasionally hangs out on his shoulder. ### The Island of Terror #### Drogo Wanderfoot - Planar Vagabond - Halfling male adventurer who wanders the multiverse, collecting stories and documenting sights. #### Juzo Javarax - Drahki Captain - female, green dragonborn - captain of the _Aseonth_ (named for Aseonth the Swift, an legendary green dragon from Drahkos) - goal: to protect her crew and ship - attitude: she's hot shit and she knows it - most of the crew are also green, part of her clan (Javarax) #### Prama - Automaton with glowing blue chest - Presumed dead following Korrath's escape ### The Skyrunner #### Jon Tobart / Shazzogrox (DECEASED) - Eye Tyrant Mage disguised as a human ship captain - Tobart's eye color kept changing - Presumed-known spells - Petrify (Flesh-to-stone) - Polymorph Others - Polymorph Self - Wizard Lock #### Stonecrop (DECEASED) - An Eye Tyrant experiment into making bipedal flesh golems - Fought with Rocky and the party and was killed. ### Others #### Azir, The Demon Prince of Desire - Strange, handsome man with dark skin - Appeared on the Skyrunner and spoke briefly to Mezric, giving her dagger before disappearing.