--- title: Feare Naught! description: Welcome to the digital representation of the one and only Planar Vagabond's Guide to the Multiverse! date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00 date_upd: 2023-03-18T15:03:00-04:00 section: main content_type: feature short_code: m1 --- For you've stumbled onto the digital representation of the most famous multiversal guidebook in history, **The Planar Vagabond's Guide to the Multiverse**! Within its hallowed pages, you'll find everything you need to know about the [various planes of the multiverse](/planes/index.html) and (more importantly) how to tour those planes on less than 5 silver coins a day! If this is your first time here, you may want to see what it's all about, or you can start using the guide to learn how to get around on [the astral plan](/astral/index.html), the [character classes](/classes/index.html) and [races](/races/index.html) you can meet along the way, and some of the [magic items](/magic-items/index.html), [bestiary](/bestiary/index.html), and [weapons](/weapons/) you may encounter. Thanks for stopping by!
Warning: This site may elements that some readers may ind disturbing, including depictions of cultists, demons, madness, hell, slavery, human sacrifice, self-harm, overbearing religious figures, and eternal damnation. Reader discretion is advised.