--- title: Tyrhung, Wolf Hunter description: A magical sword that specializes in identifying and killing werewolves. date_pub: 2023-02-20T22:43:00-05:00 section: magic items content_type: feature short_code: mtwh ---
![Tyrhung, Wolf Hunter, created with [Stable Diffusion Online](https://stablediffusionweb.com/), released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/tyrhung.jpg 'Tyrhung, Wolf Hunter')
A finely-crafted silver longsword, acid-etched with lunar iconography and the name _Tyrhung_ in an ancient elvish script, held by an ornately-carved grip. The sword, whose name means "wolf hunter" in an ancient elvish dialect, was said to have been used by the elven hunter Erlen Packslayer to kill Kinshra, Wolfmother of Slaughter, the last Werewolf Queen of Rittvore. ### Abilities - +2 to attack and damage rolls (1d8+2 / 1d10+2), +3 vs werewolves (1d8+3 / 1d10+3). - When unsheathed in darkness, or the command word (_Lu'ar_) is spoken, illuminates a 15 foot radius with moonlight (as with the [Moonlight spell](/spells/moonlight.html)). !!!include(weapons/longsword-properties.md)!!!