--- title: Astral Compass description: A magical device for navigating to a desired location on the astral plane. date_pub: 2023-02-19T18:46:00-05:00 date_upd: 2023-04-23T23:43:00-04:00 section: magic items content_type: feature short_code: mac ---
![An astral compass, created with [Stable Diffusion Online](https://stablediffusionweb.com/), released under a [CC0](/licenses/cc0) license.](/images/magic-items/astral-compass.jpg "An astral compass")
A 1.5" diameter, golden medallion, with an 8-pointed star embedded in a purple gem in its center, and with raised runes along its inner edge. While worn on the astral plane: - Wearer can "see" astral currents, sensing the general direction of the shortest path to any location in multiverse (which appears as a faint, golden glow on the horizon). - When piloting a console, wearer can perceive a 360 degree "tactical" view of the ship, up to 300 yards out, as well as the "optimal" current to ride to reach their desired destination (which itself glows like a beacon). - When within 4 hours of the desired location, the pilot can "reach out" with their mind and perceive a 360 degree "tactical" view of the location, up to 300 yards out. - This view can also be used during combat to gather information about enemy vessels. **Limitations**: Only works with "where" queries (ex: Where is the Ravager? Where is the source of this effect? Where is the last resting place of some artifact?)