--- title: Automaton description: TBD date_pub: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00 date_upd: 2023-02-15T00:26:00-05:00 section: races content_type: feature short_code: ra1 --- [[toc]]
| | | | --------------------- | ----------------- | | **Requirements** | Minimum CON 9 | | **Ability modifiers** | None | | **Languages** | Alignment, Common |
Automatons are magically-powered, fully sentient beings composed of metal and wood. ### Available Classes and Max Level - **Assassin**: 10th - **Bard**: 8th - **Cleric**: 7th - **Corsair**: 10th - **Druid**: 7th - **Fighter**: 12th - **Knight**: 10th - **Mystic**: 7th - **Paladin**: 8th - **Priest**: 7th - **Ranger**: 7th - **Sorcerer**: 9th - **Thief**: 10th - **Warlock**: 9th - **Wizard**: 9th ### Artificial Resilience Possess remarkable fortitude: - No need to eat, drink, or breathe. - Immune to disease. - No need to sleep and can't be put to sleep by magic (see [Sentry Mode](#sentry-mode)). - +2 on saving throws vs. poison ### Integrated Armor Body has built=in defensive layers which may be enhanced with armor. - +1 to Armor Class. - Takes one hour to don or doff armor, must remain in contact with armor for duration. - Worn armor can't be removed while living. ### Sentry Mode To gain benefits of long rest, must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state (rather than sleeping). - While in this state, can see and hear as normal despite appearing inert.