--- title: Topaz Dragon description: TBD date_pub: 2023-04-10T22:36:00-04:00 section: bestiary content_type: feature short_code: bdrt status: hidden --- [Crystalline dragons](./index.html) that live along rocky seacoasts or in the astral plane.
| | | | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | **Hit Dice** | 7\*\* (31hp) | | **Armor Class** | 18 | | **Attacks** | 2(+6) @ claw (1d4+1) & 1(+6) @ bite (3d6), or breath | | **Movement** | 30' / 80' flying / 300' astral | | **Saving Throws** | D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7) | | **Morale** | 8 | | **Alignment** | Lawful | | **XP** | 1,250 |
- Has multiple [breath weapons](../index.html#breath-weapon): - 70’ long cone of lightning (damage equal to dragon’s current hit points, **Save vs Blasts** for half damage), and - cloud of sleep gas (**Save vs Blasts** or fall asleep for 4d4 turns). - 30% chance can speak and cast 1d4 1st level spells. - 40% chance of sleeping. !!!include(bestiary/dragons/astral-gliding.md)!!! !!!include(bestiary/dragons/planar-roar.md)!!!