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2023-02-20 11:46:46 -05:00
title: Drahki (Dracokin)
description: TBD
date_pub: 2023-02-17T00:26:00-05:00
section: monsters
content_type: feature
short_code: md1
Drahki are a race of Dracokin that hail from Drahkenos, the so-called plane of Dragons, and home to Endrion and the other dragon gods. They are also one of the most active ships in the astral plane.
<div class='headlessTableWrapper'>
| | |
| -------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| **Armour Class** | 7 [12] or 5 [14] |
| **Hit Dice** | 1 (4hp) |
| **Attacks** | 1 x weapon (1d6 or by weapon) |
| **THAC0** | 19[0] |
| **Movement** | 120 (40) |
| **Saving Throws** | D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1) |
| **Morale** | 6 |
| **Alignment** | N |
| **XP** | 10 |
| **Number appearing** | 0 (see below) |
| **Treasure Type** | A |
- **Breath weapon** - Can be used up to three times per day. Unless noted otherwise, all caught in the area suffer damage equal to the Drahkis current hit points (save versus breath for half).
- **Draconic Ancestry** - Dracokin are are distantly related to a particular kind of dragon, which determines the colour of their scales, as well as the damage and area of their breath weapon.
- **Ships and crew** - 1d2 large dragonships (each with 1d12+2 x 10 drahki) and/or 1d3 small dragonships (with 1d6 x 10 drahki each). (See [Astral Vessels](/astral/astral-vessels.html) for details on ships.)
- **Arms** - 60% of group have: leather armour, sword; 30% have: leather armour, sword, crossbow; 10% have: chainmail, sword, crossbow.
- **Leaders and captains** - For every 30 drahki, there is a 4th level fighter. Each ship has a captain (7th level fighter).
- **Fleet commander** - 9th level fighter. 30% chance of a magic-user (level 1d2 +9); 30% chance of a cleric (8th level).
<div class="dividedTableWrapper">
| 1d20 | Color | Breath Weapon |
| :---: | :------: | :------------------------: |
| 1 | Amethyst | 30' Line of Cold |
| 2-3 | Black | 30' Line of Acid |
| 4-5 | Blue | 30' Line of Lightning |
| 6 | Brass | 20' Cone of Sleep Gas[^1] |
| 7 | Bronze | 30' Line of Lightning |
| 8 | Copper | 30' Line of Acid |
| 9 | Emerald | 20' Cone of Acid |
| 10 | Gold | 20' Cone of Fire |
| 11-12 | Green | 10' Cloud of Chlorine Gas |
| 13 | Onyx | 10' Cloud of Chlorine Gas |
| 14-15 | Red | 20' Cone of Fire |
| 16 | Ruby | 30' Line of Fire |
| 17 | Silver | 20' Cone of Cold |
| 18 | Topaz | 10' Cloud of Sleep Gas[^1] |
| 19-20 | White | 20' Cone of Cold |
[Draconic Ancestry]
[^1]: Rather than dealing damage, targets in area must _save versus breath_ or fall asleep for 1d4 turns