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<a href="/"
class="avatar url fn u-url u-uid url icon-container"
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class="photo u-photo avatar-img"
alt="It's Eric Woodward's avatar"
src="<%= site.uri %>/images/eric-8bit.gif"/>
<br />
<figcaption class="avatar-figcaption">It&apos;s <span class="p-name">Eric Woodward</span>!</figccaption>
<div class="dataDiv">
<p class="p-role role p-note">
My name is <a class="p-name fn u-url u-uid url"
href="/">Eric Woodward</a>, and I am a
<span class="p-category category">geek</span>,
<span class="p-category category">coder</span>,
<span class="p-category category">gamer</span>,
<span class="p-category category">tinkerer</span>,
<span class="p-category category">husband</span>,
<span class="p-category category">father</span>,
<span class="p-category category">server admin</span>,
<span class="p-category category">web developer</span>,
and <span class="p-category category">American</span>
<span class="p-category category">cyborg</span>,
though not necessarily in that order.
<p>You can find out more
<a href="<%= site.uri %>/about.html">about me</a> by
checking out
<a rel="me" class="u-url url"
title="It's Eric Woodward's Website"
href="<%= site.uri %>/">my website</a>
or perusing
<a rel="me authn" class="u-url url"
title="It's Eric Woodward's Git Repos"
href="">my code</a>.
If you want to reach me, you can send me an <a rel="me" class="u-url url u-email" title="&#69;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;"
<!-- (securely, if you want to use my
<a rel="pgpkey" type="application/pgp-keys" title="PGP Public Key" href="/files/public.aexpk">PGP Key</a>),-->
or you can find me on
<a rel="me" class="u-url url" title="itsericwoodward on LinkedIn"
<a rel="me authn" class="u-url url" title="ItsEricWoodward on GitHub"
href="">GitHub</a>, or
<a rel="me" class="u-url url" title="EricPlaysGames on BoardGameGeek"
Alternatively, you can grab my
<a href="">vCard</a> and add me to your address book.
<p class="webring">
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