--- title: Tabletop Role-Playing Game Resources sub_title: LinkLists description: A list of free rules, tables, and other role-playing game resources. date_pub: 2022-09-17T00:07:00-04:00 date_upd: 2022-12-23T19:15:00-05:00 content_type: feature section: web subsection: linklists --- _Compiled 2022-09-16 / Updated 2022-12-23_ I've been an RPG enthusiast for 30+ years, and after a long hiatus, I've been lucky enough to spend the past few years playing (and running) regular games. Thanks to the explosion of content from the OSR (a ["play style movement"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_School_Renaissance) inspired by the early days of RPGs), there are a number of great, _free_ resources for starting and running campaigns. Below are links to some of the sites I've been using for my own games, compiled as of September 17, 2022. ### Links - [DnD Speak](https://www.dndspeak.com/) - Excellent collection of tools, tables, and lists to inspire your games. - [Dyson's Dodecahedron](https://dysonlogos.blog/) - Some of the best maps on the interwebs. - [Fantasy Name Generators](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/) - An endless variety of names for all kinds of things. - [The Frugal GM](https://www.frugalgm.com/) - Tons of free gaming resources. - [A Knight at the Opera](https://knightattheopera.blogspot.com/) - "OSR Gaming for Tools & Reviews for GMs". - [Kosmic Dungeon](https://kosmicdungeon.com/) - An excellent collection of free maps. - [Old-School Essentials System Reference Document](https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgnome.com/srd/) - Like classic D&D, but easier to read, and available for free. - [tenfootpole.org](https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/) - Lots and lots of module reviews. - [Traverse Fantasy's Keystones](https://traversefantasy.blogspot.com/p/keystone-readings.html) - A linked timeline of the original blog and forum posts that inspired of the OSR movement(s).