--- { "title": "Web Stuff", "description": "Some of Eric's web-related projects.", "date_pub": "2018-08-18T17:50:00-04:00", "section": "web", "content_type": "feature", "short_code": "mw", } --- The web is, IMHO, the most revolutionary invention in information sharing since [Gutenberg's](https://www.gutenberg.org/) printing press. As such, I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about the web, and I do what I can to help [develop it](https://blog.itsericwoodward.com/2015/developing-the-web). ### Here - [LinkLists](/linklists) - Lists of links (natch) to various web sites, resources, and/or [blogs](/linklists/blogroll.html), typically organized around a particular subject. Like bookmarking, but not. Updated (occasionally). - [Licenses](/licenses) - Permanent copies of the licenses that I use [here](https://git.itsericwoodward.com/explore/repos) and [there](https://www.planarvagabond.com/). - [WebToys](/webtoys) **NEW** - A small collection of useless, interactive fun for your web browser. ### Elsewhere - [The Planar Vagabond's Guide to the Multiverse](https://www.planarvagabond.com/) **NEW** - The website for a free role-playing game that I'm developing as part of an ongoing campaign, which doubles as a nifty pocket guide to the wild and weird multiverse of interplanar travel. - [Mythic Wars](https://mythicwarsgame.com/) - The site for my tabletop card-and-dice game, where the gods and goddesses themselves battle for ultimate supremacy! Features a free print-and-play demo, lots of free wallpapers, and the comprehensive rules, among other things. - [The Codex Mythica](https://codex.mythicwarsgame.com/) - An [open-source](https:/git.itsericwoodward.com/eric/codex-mythica/) web application I wrote which functions as a card database for Mythic Wars. - [My Blog](https://blog.itsericwoodward.com) - A retired instance of the [Known blogging software](https://withknown.com/) where I used to collect my various day-to-day musings. - [My Code Repos](https://git.itsericwoodward.com/explore/repos) - A private [Gitea](https://gitea.io/) instance hosting some of my Git repositories (including the code for [this very site](https://git.itsericwoodward.com/eric/itsericwoodward-site-v2)).