/* /**************************************************************************** * The Codex Mythica * * @copyright Copyright 2017-2018 Eric Woodward * @license CC0 Public Domain License v1.0 * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ ****************************************************************************/ ; (function(){ 'use strict'; // Check if the browser "cuts the mustard" - https://gomakethings.com/ditching-jquery/ if ( !(!!document.querySelector && !!window.addEventListener) ) return; // NodeLisr.forEach polyfill for IE11 // See: https://github.com/imagitama/nodelist-foreach-polyfill/issues/3 if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) { NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; } let protocol = window.location.protocol; // Indicate JS is loaded document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace('no-js', 'js'); // Enable cached fonts ASAP if (typeof Cookies !== 'undefined' && !!Cookies.get('fonts_loaded')) { document.documentElement.className += " js-hasFontsLoaded"; } docReady(function() { setTimeout(function() { // Handle Fonts if (typeof Cookies !== 'undefined') { if (typeof FontFaceObserver !== 'undefined') { var font_ls = new FontFaceObserver('liberation_serif'), font_msc = new FontFaceObserver('marcellus_sc'); Promise.all([ font_ls.load(), font_msc.load() ]).then(function () { if (document.documentElement.className.indexOf("js-hasFontsLoaded") == -1) { document.documentElement.className += " js-hasFontsLoaded"; } Cookies.set('fonts_loaded', true); }); } } // Lazy-Load Media if (typeof loadMedia === 'function') { loadMedia('.js-lazyLoader', null, true); } document .querySelectorAll('.js-checkToggle') .forEach(function (el) { el .addEventListener('click', function() { let checks = document .querySelectorAll('input[name="' + this.htmlFor + '"]'), is_checked = !!checks && checks.length > 0 ? checks[0].checked : false; checks.forEach(function(check) { check.checked = !is_checked; }); }); }); /* document .querySelectorAll('.js-ulToggle') .forEach(function (el) { el.parentNode.classList.add('js-ulToggle-hidden') el .addEventListener('click', function() { // let list = this.parentNode.querySelector('.js-ulToggle-list'); let fieldset = this.parentNode; if (fieldset && fieldset.className) { if (fieldset.className.indexOf('js-ulToggle-hidden') === -1) { fieldset.classList.add('js-ulToggle-hidden'); } else { fieldset.classList.remove('js-ulToggle-hidden'); } } }); }); */ // fix search link on 404 if (document.documentElement.className.indexOf('is404') > -1) { document .getElementById("searchQuery") .value = window .location .pathname .replace(/\\.html?$/, "") .replace(/\//g, " "); } }, 1); }); }());